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Conjectura: Filosofia e Educação

versión impresa ISSN 0103-1457versión On-line ISSN 2178-4612


MORAES, Ana Cristina  y  RIBEIRO, Luis Távora Furtado. Processes of constitution of ludic impulses through aesthetic education of pedagogues in the university: a schillerian look. Conjectura: filos. e Educ. [online]. 2020, vol.25, e020028. ISSN 2178-4612.

This text reflects on possibilities of aesthetic education in the university as a pressing need for the initial formation of teachers, more specifically of pedagogues, in the sense of expanding and perfecting their aesthetic perception, combined with the development of a posture attentive to the socio-historical contexts experienced. In this direction, it discusses what pedagogical devices can be playful impulses in teacher training, in the light of Schiller’s conceptions (2009, 2011). Among other theoretical contributions, the text also mentions Freire (1996), who makes important considerations about the relationship between aesthetics and ethics in teacher training and, in our view, approaches Schiller’s ideas; Snyders (1995) who treats the university space as a privileged locus for generating cultural joy, a necessary energy for the diversified and enriching learning of students’ scientific and cultural repertoire; Moraes & Therrien (2018) who reflect on the need to expand the cultural repertoire of teachers; and Moura (2012) who points out the teacher’s pedagogical malleability as a requirement for a flexible and complex profile. The work is a bibliographic study immersed in the field of philosophy of education, guided, however, by reflections based on aesthetic-pedagogical experiments experienced in initial teacher training processes, within the scope of a Brazilian state public university. With the study, it is inferred that the university plays the decisive role of guaranteeing and stimulating access to aesthetic experiences that both enlarge the artistic-cultural repertoire of students, as well as favor in them the creation of playful impulses, making them more perceptive and creative. Being that this will materialize through the curricular propositions of each course allied to the concrete structural conditions of that university.

Palabras clave : Aesthetic education; Ludic impulse; University; Teacher education; Pedagogy.

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