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vol.46 número1Representaciones sociales del profesorado de ciencias sociales en formación sobre la libertad de expresiónLa “lucha contra la ‘ideología de género’” y su impacto en la enseñanza de las ciencias humanas y sociales índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Acta Scientiarum. Education

versión impresa ISSN 2178-5198versión On-line ISSN 2178-5201


PINTO, Gustavo Louis Henrique; SANTOS, Patrícia da Silva; SANTOS, Elisângela da Silva  y  SPIESS, Marcos Alfonso Rucinski. Survivors and castaways: reflections on Philosophy and Sociology in Secondary Education in the context of contemporary sociopolitical disputes. Acta Educ. [online]. 2024, vol.46, n.1, e68034.  Epub 01-Dic-2023. ISSN 2178-5201.

This work aims to problematize the conditions for the permanence of the disciplines of Philosophy and Sociology in High School, in Brazilian education, in a context of democratic crisis and the advance of authoritarianism in the last decade. Firstly, the objective is to identify in the process of institutionalization of Philosophy and Sociology in Basic Education the concomitant of themes and political tensions that contributed to the permanence of these disciplines in basic education, and, secondly, to reflect on the survival of Philosophy and Sociology in Integrated Secondary Education of the Federal Network as a distinguishing feature in comparison with the provision of public secondary education. The path proposed for this analysis was to start with a brief outline of the Olavo-Bolsonarist ideology around education, in which we seek to analyze the links between the political field of progressivism and these two disciplines in Basic Education. In the second moment, the relationship between the entry of these disciplines in High School (from 2008) and the recent transformation in the fields of Social Sciences and Philosophy, seeking to identify the questioning of the canons admitted by these disciplines, the formulated political objectives and the curricula still in the process of adaptation. In the third moment, we suggest some observations about the survival of Philosophy and Sociology in the Federal Network, highlighting the adverse political context for this permanence and the persistent situation of threat. The initial results of this research are the perception of low institutionalization and the fragmentation of the presence of Philosophy and Sociology in Basic Education, which reinforce the delegitimization of scientific knowledge and the Human Sciences.

Palabras clave : high school; sociology of education; philosophy of education; crisis of educational paradigms; democracy.

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