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vol.21 número2O programa institucional de iniciação à docência e a formação de professores de biologia: desafios e perspectivas para a educação inclusivaA pedagogia da alternância na licenciatura em educação do campo em Portel (PA) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0104-8481versión On-line ISSN 2238-121X


FAUSTINO, Rosângela Célia  y  MILESKI, Keros Gustavo. Indian education within the scientific production in the area of Physical Education. Rev. Comunic [online]. 2014, vol.21, n.2, pp.97-111. ISSN 2238-121X.

This paper aims at analyzing the scientific production in the field of Physical Education and their conceptions on school physical education to Indians. This qualitative research attempted to articulate such production and the contextualization of some aspects of the contact between the booming capitalist society and the Indian peoples in Brazil. The sources involve six editions of the Brazilian Congress of Sport Science (Conbrace), held every two years in different Brazilian cities from 2001 to 2011. In accordance with international documents of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) and the World Bank disseminated in the 1990s, publications highlight the importance of promoting an everyday knowledge in school as a prerequisite and possibility of achieving citizenship. Considering the principles of this policy, we reaffirm that since its inception the concept of citizenship is limited to political rights, while the historical inequality generated by capitalist society, despite serving a broad discourse on inclusion, still allows “outsiders” only to sell their labor power, the only way left for them in this society to meet their needs.

Palabras clave : Indian School Education; Physical Education; Culture.

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