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vol.24 número52Instituciones de educación superior de Paraná: actuación y formación de coordinadores de curso para una gestión democrática índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1414-5138versión On-line ISSN 2318-1982


LESCANO, Claudemiro Pereira  y  MEDEIROS, Heitor Queiroz de. The pillars of Guarani Kaiowá education: Kunumi há Chamiri - Kaiowá child. Sér.-Estud. [online]. 2019, vol.24, n.52, pp.297-317.  Epub 09-Ene-2020. ISSN 2318-1982.

The research approaches the broad indigenous knowledges that constitute the pillars of Kaiowá education, describing the path of children education as a boy (Kunumi) and girl (Chamiri). It presents data about school space and values, the trajectory of seeking to build an indigenous scholar education at the community and the school system, as well as pointing out orientations for indigenous scholar education. The research was developed through the observation, visits and conversations with the wise people, givers of blessings and Kaiowá children. It was possible to realize that, for young and actual generation, home return will be through the reading and writing, and school is an especial tool in order to create a new returning, based on the strengthening of identity and the understanding of interculturality. It’s necessary, today, that school can be understood on its dimension and complexion by teachers, leaders, youth and Community, because it will only be indigenous education when exists a clearness of the relation of the school for the Community. Thus, it has been opened a door, with a new return path of community to home, for the understanding of their identity, for the valorization of the knowledge and, also, in order to achieve the notion and openness in the sense that we are not alone anymore and that there are other societies, which must be understood and respected as well as we must be respected by them.

Palabras clave : traditional knowledge; Kaiowá education; Kaiowá children.

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