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 número28Um estudo da interação professor-aluno na 2ª série do 1º grauEfeitos do sistema Keller sobre o estudante índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0100-1574


FELDENS, Maria das Graças Furtado. Autonomia e mudança no comportamento instrucional de professores: uma investigação exploratória. Cad. Pesqui. [online]. 1979, n.28, pp.27-34. ISSN 0100-1574.

Twenty subjects, randomly selected from a total of thirty six teachers working at a polyvalent school, were randomly assigned to five groups: one control and four experimental groups. The teachers in the four experimental groups received in-service training in instructional behaviors and sequences of such behaviors as described in the Observational System for Instructional Analysis (OSIA). Teachers in three of the experimental groups received one of the following three treatments following the in-service program: feedback (TF), goal setting (TM) and goal setting and feedback (TMF). The instructional autonomy of all subjects was preserved and they were expected to change their instructional behavior in the direction and nature determined by the teachers themselves. Data on the pre- and post-treatment observation scores of the subjects in the seventeen OSIA dependent variables, collected by the investigator and five trained observers using OSIA, and analyzed through multivariate analysis of variance, revealed statistically significant changes in teacher behavior on the four variables S/T, T +/-, TQ/L and TC/S. Three experimental groups TF, TM and TMF, accounted for the significant changes in the instructional behavior of teachers, as measured in the form of gains in the ratio values from pre- to post-treatment observations.

Palavras-chave : Treinamento de professores; Comportamento.

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