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Cadernos de Pesquisa
versão impressa ISSN 0100-1574
CHAVES, Miriam Waidenfeld. Desenvolvimentismo e pragmatismo: o ideário do MEC nos anos 1950. Cad. Pesqui. [online]. 2006, vol.36, n.129, pp.705-725. ISSN 0100-1574.
This paper aims to discuss how two distinct definitional concepts - developmentism and pragmatism - contributed, in their own particular ways, to the underlying foundations upon which a national reconstruction policy was implemented in the 1950's. Special consideration shall be given to the fact that their unruffled co-existence within the very same institution - the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC) - turned the developmentist ideology into a fertile ground for the rebirth and growth of pragmatism. Upon such consideration, this paper shall highlight (1) the fact that both concepts are based upon an eminently practical political mindset and (2) the means employed by ISEB (Higher Institute of Brazilian Studies) and INEP (National Institute of Pedagogical Studies) to develop and implement national reconstruction policies. These institutions were institutions within MEC whose think-tank board members aimed at scaffolding the national frame of thinking.
Palavras-chave : Education; ISEB; INEP; Educational Policies.