Serviços Personalizados
Revista Educação em Questão
versão impressa ISSN 0102-7735versão On-line ISSN 1981-1802
BARBALHO, Maria Goretti Cabral; SILVA, Rute Régis de Oliveira da e CAMARGO, Maria Dayse Henriques de. The place of PAR in the educational system management: an analysis of the municipalities of Natal/RN and Belém/PA. Rev. Educ. Questão [online]. 2018, vol.56, n.50, pp.190-218. ISSN 1981-1802.
This article intends to discuss, in the foreground, the concepts of management identified in the Articulated Actions Plan (PAR); secondly some aspects of the educational management scenario defined by the municipalities of Natal and Belém. The study is based on bibliographic and documentary referential pertinent to the topic under discussion, as well as testimonies of actors involved in the educational management of the municipalities surveyed. The discussion here made it possible to verify that, although the discourse of democratic management appears in the educational management dimension of the PAR, all the methodological guidance of the instrument is directed at the strategic planning perspective, based on technical rationality and control of results, disregarding the pedagogical, political and economic basis that makes possible its legitimation. Belém and Natal, because they do not present the political and structural conditions for the implementation of their educational planning, lack the technical and financial support of the Union.
Palavras-chave : Educational policy; Management of education; Plan of Articulated Actions.