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vol.19 número40Análise multinível aplicada aos dados do NELS:88Prestígio escolar e composição de turmas: explorando a hierarquia em redes escolares índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Estudos em Avaliação Educacional

versão impressa ISSN 0103-6831


DAVIS, Claudia; ESPOSITO, Yara Lúcia; NUNES, Marina Muniz Rossa  e  NUNES, Cesar Augusto Amaral. Posturas docentes em cursos de formação de professores em serviço: é possível transformá-las no curto prazo?. Est. Aval. Educ. [online]. 2008, vol.19, n.40, pp.279-303. ISSN 0103-6831.

This article will analyze and discuss the process of change in teachers' attitudes by teacher-students in a higher education course during their period teaching. The study involved 1,131 teacher-students (including child education teachers) who took part in the 2nd edition of the PEC-Municipality (PEC-Município), as long as they provided all the information necessary for the analyses carried out in this paper. Two tools were used to collect the data: simulations which involved three teaching attitudes and a questionnaire to characterize the student-participants by means of a series of closed questions. The data was collected in two stages: at the beginning of the course (June 2006) and at the end (December 2007). The initial and final data were compared and showed that 75% of the teacher-students achieved significant progress concerning the aspects under study. The main factors that interfered in the results were the starting point (group or clusters in the pre-test), their professional experience and the institution (university) to which they were linked. Changes in attitude occurred mainly in the group that was less prepared at the start and whose profile was at quite a distance from what was aimed at by the PEC-Municipality 2nd edition. This substantial change was partly due to the initial level of these participants, who faced much less favorable conditions in their routine work than the remainder of the group, demonstrating how important equality is for continuing education programs, mainly when not only cognitive changes are expected, but also changes in their ways of feeling and acting.

Palavras-chave : Teachers' Attitudes; In-Service Continuing Education; Equality; PEC-Municipality 2nd Edition.

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