Serviços Personalizados
Revista Brasileira de Educação
versão impressa ISSN 1413-2478
SANTOS, Gideon Borges dos. Usos e limites da imagem da docência como profissão. Rev. Bras. Educ. [online]. 2013, vol.18, n.52, pp.11-24. ISSN 1413-2478.
This article aims to examine the uses and limits of specialists to address issues inherent to human development, especially the school one. Due to the professionalization of teaching, the image of the specialist ratified the idea that teaching could rely on safe knowledge. However, education does not entirely submit to the logic of professions, because it has characteristics that cannot be reduced to those attributed to professions.
Palavras-chave : Teaching; Profession; Specialist.