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Revista Brasileira de Educação

versão impressa ISSN 1413-2478versão On-line ISSN 1809-449X


PEDREIRA, Andre Luiz Simões  e  CRUZ, Giseli Barreto da. Trajectories reviewed: reasons from teaching philosophy to teaching philosophy of education. Rev. Bras. Educ. [online]. 2024, vol.29, e290015.  Epub 12-Mar-2024. ISSN 1809-449X.

This article analyzes aspects of the motivation of teacher trainers who teach philosophy of education in pedagogy programs. The empirical research field is formed by the pedagogy programs at two public universities, chosen because of their tradition in this program, i.e., one since 1939, and the other since 1984. The study was based on the content analysis of accounts in form of interviews with eight professors of philosophy of education. The analyses were developed around four main interpretive topics: the choice for teaching; from teaching philosophy to teaching philosophy of education: between freedom and imposition; being a teacher trainer of philosophy of education. The findings indicate that respondents chose philosophy: i. by vocation; ii. by a motivation from both within and outside the schooling process; iii. through the mediation of a teacher.

Palavras-chave : Teacher trainer; Teaching; Teacher subjectivations; Philosophy of education; Pedagogy.

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