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vol.08 número01A integração de crianças portadoras de deficiência física no ensino regular segundo a perspectiva de seus paisA classe hospitalar e a inclusão da criança enferma na sala de aula regular índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial

versão impressa ISSN 1413-6538


SOUZA, Maria José de  e  CARVALHO, Vilma de. The portraits of the family of the child who has down’s syndrome and its meaning in the mother’s perspective. Rev. bras. educ. espec. [online]. 2002, vol.08, n.01, pp.27-44. ISSN 1413-6538.

In this research we have the purpose of learning about the problems experienced by the family who has a child with Down’s Syndrome. From the responses of twenty mothers using creativity and sensibility dynamics, as well as a semi-structured interview, the social players described their representations concerning the family and its interaction. Based on the meaning assigned to the figures, the colors and the sentences which were present in the pictograms, we elaborated our discussion about the different family configurations which may serve as a basis to the practice of the professionals who work with these clients.

Palavras-chave : Down’s Syndrome; Social Representations; Family Interaction.

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