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vol.05 número01Aprendizagem da geometria em b-learning no ensino básico índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Educação, Formação e Tecnologias

versão On-line ISSN 1646-933X


SANTOS, José Rui. A Moodle nas práticas pedagógicas de uma escola básica: realidade ou ficção na inserção das TIC em sala de aula. Educ. Form. Tecnol. [online]. 2012, vol.05, n.01, pp.72-83. ISSN 1646-933X.

Nowadays, when no longer the entrance of computers in schools is questioned, there are still many doubts about how they’re used in pedagogical context and if they are in fact used. ICTs can play a significant role in changing teachers’ practices, notably in what concerns the shift from pedagogical attitudes focused on teaching towards learning-centered pedagogical attitudes. The main question remains: is this really occurring in practice, or is it that old habits are maintained under a new cover? How are applied the information and communication technologies in pedagogical practices and especially how Moodle is used in a secondary school, with the 2nd and 3rd cycles of education? These were the questions that were the genesis of the case study that lead to this paper, and in which the main conclusions are related to the lack of teachers formation in ICTs, and consequently, with the little and inadequate benefit taken by them from the ICTs, in particular from the Moodle platform.

Palavras-chave : Students; Teaching-Learning; Moodle; Teachers; Icts.

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