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vol.05 número02Perspectivas de tutores brasileiros em relação ao seu papel e influência no processo de aprendizagem de alunos em cursos a distância índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Educação, Formação e Tecnologias

versão On-line ISSN 1646-933X


CARDOSO, Teresa  e  MATOS, Filipa. Aprender línguas estrangeiras no século XXI: teletandem através do skype. Educ. Form. Tecnol. [online]. 2012, vol.05, n.02, pp.85-95. ISSN 1646-933X.

If learning foreign languages has always made sense in a multicultural European society, today it is perhaps even more significant. But, in a global world, in which time and geographic distances and barriers fade away, the difficulty may lie in the choices to learn and teach, namely languages. Thus, we aim at presenting an innovative experience with regard to the learning and teaching of foreign languages, the teletandem through skype, which, due to its features, may be used both in formal and informal educational situations. However, we will focus a formal context, namely that of Higher Education with students from the University of Salerno (Italy) and the Universidade Estadual Paulista de Assis (Brazil). In our research we followed a case study methodology, and we developed a questionnaire to inquire students of those higher education institutions so as to contribute to distance education and elearning pedagogy. Moreover, we intended to identify the reasons why skype is used for teaching and learning languages in teletandem, why students choose this innovative educational context and what are its impacts. The results show that skype is mostly used to study, but also to communicate with friends and classmates. Amongst the motivations referred for choosing that formal context, they highlighted its features and the fact that it allows a contact with a native speaker. Finally, most of the inquired students said they would recommend teletandem through skype to learn and teach foreign languages, and will continue to use skype as a tool to collaborate and interact in this specific context.

Palavras-chave : Learning and Teaching Foreign Languages; Higher Education; Elearning Pedagogy; Teletandem; Skype.

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