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vol.07 número02Algumas considerações sobre o desenvolvimento da atividade de leitura e a constituição do leitor surdoLíngua escrita: Letras (im)prováveis na educação de jovens e adultos surdos índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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ETD Educação Temática Digital

versão On-line ISSN 1676-2592


SILVA, Ivani Rodrigues  e  CHEFFER, Rosana. A construção de histórias por alunos surdos: Aprendizagem coletiva. ETD [online]. 2006, vol.07, n.02, pp.76-87. ISSN 1676-2592.

Deaf people have recently been considered as part of bilingual linguistic minorities groups and the process of written Portuguese acquisition by these groups of students has been object of much reflection. This study presents the work accomplished by the Programa Escolaridade e Surdez do CEPRE/UNICAMP (Schooling and Deafness Program), which aims to show the process of joint construction of the writing of a book by a group of deaf teenagers which has started from the own interest of the group to put together a story. The present work was done in three stages: in the first one, the discussion to choose the theme which the book would be about took place, in the second one, the joint construction of the story and its developments, as well as the topics related to each chapter was initiated, so that the students would have a general overview of the production and in the third stage, the complete elaboration of the book, the development of each chapter of the story and the structural finishing of the book took place. At the end of the process, it was verified that the interest in written Portuguese increased considerably and the students could notice in a significant way the use of language conventions and the words sense in different contexts.

Palavras-chave : Deafness; Bilingual; Literacy.

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