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vol.09 número01Platão e a educação da almaA empregabilidade nos parâmetros curriculares nacionais: implicações e limites a formação humana índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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ETD Educação Temática Digital

versão On-line ISSN 1676-2592


CASTRO, Rogério Paiva. Das formas de ensinar e de aprender e os desafios do século XXI. ETD [online]. 2007, vol.09, n.01, pp.115-123. ISSN 1676-2592.

Much has already been written on ways of how teachers can or should teach. Many are the manuals that show how students can and should learn. This article is not intended to be an indicator of how to teach or learn, and more than that, in the twenty-first century, is mister we reportemos the issues principiadoras that make up the subject, be it teacher or learner, and the object, be it the knowledge, technology or science. Moreover it is essential, at this time of reconstructions paradigmatic, thinking the education in the context of globalization and repensá-capitalist neoliberal her into another dimension of globalization that eduque for humanity, for a sustainable society. Allows, this registry, part of this discussion.

Palavras-chave : Teaching; Learning; Century XXI.

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