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vol.14 número02Educação especial: práticas pedagógicas a distância na formação de professores para o Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE).Considerações sobre a história da alfabetização no Brasil: a produção acadêmico-científica e a constituição do campo de pesquisas índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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ETD Educação Temática Digital

versão On-line ISSN 1676-2592


ALBUQUERQUE, Michele Rodrigues de  e  SILVA, Ivanda Maria Martins. Materiais didáticos impressos para educação a distância: interfaces com práticas de linguagem. ETD [online]. 2012, vol.14, n.02, pp.75-93. ISSN 1676-2592.

This paper intends to analyze the production of printed instructional materials for Distance Education, it being understood as a form of distance education students and teachers are physically separated, but united virtually through technological and educational resources. Even with the advances in digital technologies, the print media plays an important role in the processes of mediation between teachers and students. In Distance Education, the physical distance between teachers and students can be minimized, considering the language dialogic in the production of printed instructional materials. The paper will present the key features that guide the production of printed instructional materials on Distance Education. We also discuss concepts such as: a dialogic practice in the production of printed instructional materials and the design of text as a mediator and interactive distance learning.

Palavras-chave : Distance Education; Printed Instructional Materials; Language.

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