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vol.16 número02Até que ponto o bullying influencia o aumento da demanda por educação de jovens e adultos?A utilização das novas tecnologias em uma escola experimental do Rio de Janeiro índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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ETD Educação Temática Digital

versão On-line ISSN 1676-2592


MIGUEL, Kassiana da Silva et al. A abordagem didático-investigativa no ensino médio: um estudo acerca do DNA. ETD [online]. 2014, vol.16, n.02, pp.138-156. ISSN 1676-2592.

This paper is a result of a research performed in the context of the program of scholarships for beginner teachers, from the subproject of Biological Sciences in a public university of Paraná. The goal was to highlight the reconstruction of the concept of the DNA during the development of a courseware module in a investigative focus with students from the third year of high school of a public school of Paraná. There was a systematic monitoring and data gathering through several instruments. The analysis was organized in four different moments: hypothesis development by the students, the development of drawings about DNA, research performed by the students on the concept of DNA and individual descriptive synthesis. Through the analysis of the results it could be emphasized that the investigative focus allowed the active participation of the students, especially in the class questionings and synthesis development. We highlight also that there was evidences as to the reconstruction of the DNA concept by the students involved.

Palavras-chave : Biology Teaching; High School; PIBID; Investigative Courseware Approach; DNA.

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