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vol.36 número02Saúde mental para médicos que atuam na estratégia saúde da família: uma contribuição sobre o processo de formação em serviço índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica

versão On-line ISSN 1981-5271


BRACCIALLI, Luzmarina Aparecida Doretto  e  OLIVEIRA, Maria Amélia Campos de. Desafios na formação médica: a contribuição da avaliação. Rev. Bras. Educ. Med. [online]. 2012, vol.36, n.02, pp.280-288. ISSN 1981-5271.

Introduction: the medical course at the Medical School of Marilia (Famema) has an integrated curriculum, organized by competence, in which the evaluation is based on cognitive aspects, skills and attitudes. Objective: to identify and analyze the evaluation concept of the teachers at Famema by means of the students’ performance evaluation. Methodology: twelve Professional Practice Evaluation Exercises (PPEE) were filmed and recorded. The discourse analysis used the Interpretation of Meanings Method, based on dialectic-hermeneutic principles. Results: different evaluation concepts in a competence orientated curriculum were identified, the most traditional and the most critical, reflexive and negotiated ones. Conclusions: the PPEE is a privileged opportunity that allows the reconstruction of the professional practice and the teaching-learning process with special attention given to evaluation.

Palavras-chave : Medical Education; Teaching; Learning Evaluation; Curriculum; Medicine.

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