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vol.26 número52Aprendizagem Cooperativa: uma Experiência no Ensino Médio ProfissionalizanteEstágio curricular supervisionado e a relação teoria e prática: sentidos construídos por licenciandos em Pedagogia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Educação: Teoria e Prática

versão On-line ISSN 1981-8106


GALIETA, Tatiana. Texts related to Science Education: featuring discursive formations of textbooks and popular Science. Educ. Teoria Prática [online]. 2016, vol.26, n.52, pp.264-278. ISSN 1981-8106.

In the area of Science Education, the French Discourse Analysis has been used as a theoretical and methodological framework for research on language. Among these, we realize that the focus on written texts is usually related to its operation in teaching situations in classroom science. Seeking to contribute to expanding the scope of research affiliated to discourse studies, we present an analysis exercise texts of a textbook and a popular science journal using Discourse Analysis. This approach was used as a theoretical basis for the development of an analytical device divided into three stages: selection of the corpus, the corpus description, and interpretation of the discursive object seeking to characterize two specific textual genres related to different discursive formations. The results show that different discursive formations traverse the texts of textbooks and scientific publishing, which is supposed to refer to the discourses of science, of daily life and science education.

Palavras-chave : Science Education; Discourse Analysis; Textbook; Popular science Text; Discoursive Formations.

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