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Educação: Teoria e Prática
versão impressa ISSN 1993-2010versão On-line ISSN 1981-8106
LIMA, Dayana Raquel Pereira de e SILVA, Adriana Maria Paulo da. PERNAMBUCO PRIMARY TEACHERS GUILD MAKING GOOD HABITS: “A CAIXA ESCOLAR” (1883-1884). Educ. Teoria Prática [online]. 2021, vol.31, n.64, e24. ISSN 1981-8106.
We investigated, through direct documentary research and complete transcription, 22 issues – 17 issues from 1883 and 5 issues from 1884 – from the biweekly journal published by the Associação do Grêmio dos Professores Primários de Pernambuco, in the custody of the Arquivo Público Estadual Jordão Emerenciano (APEJE). During the analysis of the issues debated and experienced by the associate teachers, we located the foundation, organization and operation – of the Caixa Escolar device. Investigating the reports of the Inspector of Public Instruction João Barbalho Uchôa Cavalcanti, we found that in the Province of Pernambuco, the Caixa Escolar device was propagated and instituted for the financial “moralization” of primary school pupils through the systematic practice of “benefit” saving for the poor students (GRÊMIO, nº 06, 1883; CAVALCANTI, 1878).We conclude that this institute, in the emerged clashes of the Associação do Grêmio dos Professores Primários, was made effective as an important strategy (CERTEAU, 1998) for the “fabrication” of morigerated habits, welfare and control of popular children and youth.
Palavras-chave : Primary Teachers Guild; Caixa Escolar Institute; XIX century.