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Revista Teias
versão impressa ISSN 1518-5370versão On-line ISSN 1982-0305
FUJISAWA, Patrícia Yumi; SERODIO, Liana Arrais e PRADO, Guilherme do Val Toledo. GOSSIP/FOCUSING THE SELF WITH THE EYES OF THE OTHER: for a bakhtinian aesthetic bias in narrative research. Revista Teias [online]. 2022, vol.23, n.70, pp.273-290. Epub 23-Fev-2023. ISSN 1982-0305.
The focus of this article is the understanding of the teacher-researcher that, based on Bakhtinian studies, sees herself as an author-narrator, a character among other characters in the aesthetic activity of the production of her master's dissertation. The difference between the axiological position of the researcher and the author of the pedagogical narratives, through an aesthetic artifice, provides the acquisition of a strong positioning outside of herself (BAKHTIN, 2003) and the double recognition of the teacher as a person, and the teacher as a scientist, the one who enters the narratives among the other characters. We will problematize especially the aesthetic paths of this hetero-self-conscious vision that generates and is generated by the conscious taking of another axiological position during the course of the research and the formation of the teacher-researcher-narrator, in the production of transgressive knowledge. The materiality used for the discussions is the final text of the professional master's dissertation and the text that preceded it and was evaluated in the qualification exam. The theme is one of the lessons of there search: the importance of taking axiological positions on determined in relation to there search of one's own practice, which enable narrative researchers to recognize and qualify the role of the aesthetic dimension in the tangent vision of the self in relation to the narrative of one's own practice, as well as that of broadening the gaze of researchers to what they have researched and narrated.
Palavras-chave : narrative research methodology; teacher education; pedagogical narratives; autobiography; aesthetics.