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Revista Teias
versão impressa ISSN 1518-5370versão On-line ISSN 1982-0305
CAITANO, Tainara Cristina Monteiro e OLIVEIRA, Danilo Araujo de. ABOUT NOT FOLLOWING RECIPES, CREATING OTHER NARRATIVES AND INVENTING SCRIPTS: what does the curriculum of two children's films teach about gender?. Revista Teias [online]. 2023, vol.24, n.75, pp.84-97. Epub 26-Dez-2023. ISSN 1982-0305.
This article analyzes two children's films Moana - one ocean of adventures and Brave. Based on contributions from post-critical theories, these films constitute a curriculum. For the analyses, we were inspired by Foucauldian discourse analysis and mobilized gender as an analytical category. The argument developed here is that the curriculum of the analyzed children's films demands a female subjectivity that resists gender norms, teaching girls to be courageous, determined, empowered, adventurous, warriors, free, positioned, questioning, and to fight for its dignity, independence and visibility, in the most diverse fields that permeate society, from the family to the spaces considered most unlikely. And that, in addition, they recognize themselves as wise and capable of reinventing and subverting the paths of their own destinies.
Palavras-chave : gender; curriculum; resistance..