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vol.36 número76As perspectivas da Educação Inclusiva no curso de Pedagogia: narrativas de professores iniciantesFormação Médica e Processos Inclusivos: práticas interdisciplinares de ensino balizadas pelos saberes da educação especial índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Educação e Filosofia

versão impressa ISSN 0102-6801versão On-line ISSN 1982-596X


JESUS, Francislene Cerqueira de; CRUZ-SANTOS, Anabela; MIRANDA, Theresinha Guimarães  e  ALMEIDA, Wolney Gomes. Deaf students in Higher Education in Portugal - a reflection on inclusion. Educação e Filosofia [online]. 2022, vol.36, n.76, pp.271-312.  Epub 29-Jan-2024. ISSN 1982-596X.

The enrollment of deaf students in higher education has increased in recent years, and with that, the inclusion of these students, becomes a challenge. In this sense, we aim in this study to analyze its inclusion in higher education in Portugal. The study comprises the trajectory of three deaf students linked to two higher education institutions, and whose communication is established by the Portuguese Language. For data collection, semi-structured interviews were conducted, in person and by video conference. We emphasize that the choice of the oral language used during the interview was of the students, since these students use most of their time the Portuguese language, in its oral and written components. The results point to the importance of rethinking the teaching offer permeated by the presence of the Portuguese Sign Language (PSL) in academic activities taking into account the main needs pointed out by the students who participated in this study: a) presence of the PSL interpreter in the classroom; b) collaboration of higher education teachers; c) social interactions at the university, and d) inclusion of deaf students, which demonstrates the importance of rethinking inclusive practices for deaf students in the Institutions they attend.

Palavras-chave : Higher Education; Deaf Students; Inclusion.

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