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vol.36 número77Teoria, Crítica e Prática Educacional: Sobre a relação entre pessimismo teórico e transformação do mundo em T.W. AdornoO uso dos jogos nas aulas de Matemática: problematizando verdades do discurso pedagógico contemporâneo índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Educação e Filosofia

versão impressa ISSN 0102-6801versão On-line ISSN 1982-596X


GUSMAO, Luka Carvalho  e  MARQUES, Luciana Pacheco. The duration in Henri Bergson: foundation of education with the differences. Educação e Filosofia [online]. 2022, vol.36, n.77, pp.861-884.  Epub 29-Jan-2024. ISSN 1982-596X.

Taking the current paradigmatic changes as a context, the aim of this article is to reflect on the philosophical foundations of an education with the differences based on the concept of duration developed by Henri Bergson. The bergsonian theory of duration establishes a radical view of human differences, based on the following aspects: the living and pulsating dimension of the temporalities of the different subjects; the irreducibility of different human temporalities to mathematical signs; the totalization of temporality within the scope of memory; and, finally, its potential for freedom and creation. Based on these philosophical foundations, the article argues that education with the differences needs to rethink the notion of ideal subject, teaching and evaluation practices based on quantifications and classifications, fragmented and impersonal logics of knowledge production and, finally, the idea of formation for freedom and ethical responsibility.

Palavras-chave : Duration; Henri Bergson; Education; Differences.

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