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vol.20Edição científica e estímulo à pesquisa no campo da educação: o percurso do periódico Cadernos de História da Educação (2002-2021)Outras vozes, outros arquivos. A memória escrita das classes subalternas índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Cadernos de História da Educação

versão On-line ISSN 1982-7806

Cad. Hist. Educ. vol.20  Uberlândia  2021  Epub 29-Jan-2022 

Dossier - Traces that leave traces: personal archives and present time

Traces that leave traces: personal archives and present time1

Maria Teresa Santos Cunha1; lattes: 1895532605964830

Doris Bittencourt Almeida2; lattes: 5715085520250456

1Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (Brasil).

2Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil).


This Thematic Dossier congregates and discusses the task of organization, preservation and, concomitantly, the use of resources of personal archives by researchers/historians of the area, both by national and/or international safeguarding institutions and by common people. These research studies identify with the theoretical framework of History of the Present Time when considering personal archives in the different layers of time that compose them, and for analyzing documents/events that are recorded as testimonies, in distinct temporalities. Personal archives keep materials and documents in varied supports that hold traces of the history of an individual and, at the same time, of the networks in which he is inserted, that is, they allow to identify other social actors and the inter-relations established in the lives of these individuals. Its importance functions as a privileged way of accessing the vestiges and traces of sensibilities, of staging of ritual acts, recognition of different practices of generational sociabilities shown through a discursive production in a certain time and place. Finally, it highlights the relevance of these materials/documents produced in the private sphere that, if collected, organized and socialized, can widen the horizon of possibilities around these archives when constituted as documents/sources for the research in the fields of Historical-Educational Heritage, History of Education and History of the Present Time itself.

The seven texts that compose this dossier were written by national and international authors (Spain and Italy) and are characterized by documentary and analytical abundance; they discuss in different ways personal documents, preserved in the intimacy, tended and fed by its holders; and, here, they come to light, being presented and threaded in the narratives produced by the authors.

Thus, there are four articles that approach personal archives of professors; three of them built their careers in federal universities. Nadia Maria Weber Santos and Alexander Veiga present the experience of guardianship of the collection of Sandra Jatahy Pesavento (UFRGS), which is safeguarded in the Historical and Geographic Institute of Rio Grande do Sul. Maria Teresa Santos Cunha and Dóris Bittencourt Almeida discuss, in parallel, the personal archives of the professors Walter Piazza (UFSC) and Balduino Andreola (UFRGS), safeguarded, respectively, by the Institute of Documentation and Research in Human Sciences, in Florianópolis/SC, and by the Historical Archive of the Faculty of Education/UFRGS.

Still discussing personal documentary sets of professors, two articles integrate the dossier; one of them was written by Libania Xavier and Michelle Robert, on the archive of a History teacher of pre-college courses, Rubin Santos Leão de Aquino, in Rio de Janeiro. Among other aspects, they discuss aspects of the professional culture related to teaching of History. In an international perspective, the article written by the Italian researchers Alberto Barausse and Rossella Andreassi researches memories of Amalia Andreasi, teacher e director of public and private day-care centers in the city of Bari, province of the south of Italy, during the 20th century. The Spanish historian Antonio Castillo Gomez, in turn, approaches recent initiatives to safeguard the written memory of the subaltern classes, from what he calls “marginalized archives”, and discusses, in particular, what meanings such “archives of popular writing" convey in the field of personal archives or auto-archives. Between Spain and Rio de Janeiro, the article by Pablo Alvarez Dominguez e Maria Celi Chaves Vasconcelos (UERJ) addresses personal and institutional archives and includes various images on the moment of the First Communion ceremonies, a catholic ritual to which the girls were submitted by their families.

In addition to the studies on archives of professors, Vania Grim Thies presents a text that analyzes a peculiar documentary set. It is about notebooks of non-school use that congregate family memories, which are representative of the experiences in the agricultural context, and were preserved by a woman who had little access to school. In these notebooks, there are records of the experiences in the agricultural environment.

The publication of these articles, in this Dossier, brings the desire of broadening the field of research on and in personal archives, by means of the presence of diversified historiographical approaches that articulate History of Education and History of the Present Time. Have a great read!

Received: November 04, 2020; Accepted: February 24, 2021


English version by Aline Nardes. E-mail:

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