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vol.29 número3Escola de ensino médio em tempo integral e as políticas gerencialistasO ensino médio em tempo integral em Pau dos Ferros/RN no contexto da Lei 13.415/2017 índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Reflexão e Ação

versão On-line ISSN 1982-9949


PELISSARI, Lucas Barbosa; SILVEIRA, Patrícia da  e  SILVA, David José de Andrade. INTEGRATED HIGH SCHOOL AND SCHOOL DROPOUT: AN ANALYSIS BY THE INSTITUTO FEDERAL DO PARANÁ (2017-2019). Rev. Reflex [online]. 2021, vol.29, n.3, pp.89-104.  Epub 02-Out-2023. ISSN 1982-9949.

The article aims to analyze the relationships between school dropout and the curricular arrangements of the Integrated High School (EMI) in Brazil, specifically observing time loads and course duration times. For this, a set of 69 courses from the Instituto Federal do Paraná (IFPR), offered between 2017 and 2019, was investigated. The data was extracted from the Nilo Peçanha platform (PNP) and analyzed in the light of its own quantitative methodology. Two main conclusions were presented, which may contribute to the public policies formulation and to think about the challenges of the political-pedagogical conception of integral human formation in the current educational situation of the country.

Palavras-chave : Integrated High School; School dropout; IFPR.

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