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vol.26 número1Escrevendo cartas: a sexualidade na vida e na formação docente de BiologiaEnsino de Biologia e transsexualidade índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Ensino em Re-Vista

versão On-line ISSN 1983-1730


MAGALHAES, Joanalira Corpes  e  RIBEIRO, Paula Regina Costa. Knowledge and (In)Visibility of Trans Bodies in Educational Spaces. Ensino em Re-Vista [online]. 2019, vol.26, n.1, pp.121-146.  Epub 06-Out-2023. ISSN 1983-1730.

In this text, we question the meanings and practices that have been (re)produced around trans bodies, in different educational spaces such as science, media and Biology textbooks. For that we discuss the bodies as discursive constructions problematizing and deconstructing the production of the man-body and the woman-body based on an essentialist and binary view. In analyzes, we perceived and explosion of knowledge about trans questions in science and media, but as we look to the textbook, we see a silencing and an invisibility of trans thematic. So, discussing the centrality of the body category in experiences, on transits and roaming of trans people in educational spaces, allow us realize how much the deconstructing of binarisms becomes necessary so that we can recognize the multiplicity of genders performances.

Palavras-chave : Bodies; Transsexuality; Science; Binarisms; Cultural Artifacts.

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