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versão impressa ISSN 0101-9031versão On-line ISSN 1984-6444


SANTOS, Deivid Alex dos  e  ZEDUALLIPRANDINI, Paula Mariza. Theteaching of learningstrategiesby curricular integration in the discipline of biology: apedagogicalexperience. Educação. Santa Maria [online]. 2020, vol.45, e38552.  Epub 18-Set-2023. ISSN 1984-6444.

This work reports an experience of an intervention by curricular integration about the teaching of learning strategies, envolving 26 students studying in the discipline of Biology in 3rd year of High School. This Intervention is caractherized as a method in which the professor may insert the teaching of learning strategies with the content of its discipline, allied to the curricular structure. With duration of one school semester, the intervention process comprehended 36 class-hours, disposed in 13 interventive sessions organized according to the content to be ministered. Priority was given to the teaching of cognitive learning strategies due to results obtained after the application of a scale in learning strategies. After the experiment was carried out, there was a positive change in the behavior of the students in relation to the learning activities and it was verified the importance of the content domain and the knowledge inherent to the learning strategies and the possibility of including the teaching of such strategies in teaching through the method of curricular integration in order to promote self-regulation and the development of more autonomous, strategic and motivated students.

Palavras-chave : School Learning,Learning Strategies; Intervention.

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