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vol.46Encontros e desencontros entre professores e o ensino remoto emergencialO processo de escolha dos dirigentes escolares em Londrina: a implementação da meta 19 do Plano Nacional de Educação 2014-2024 índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0101-9031versão On-line ISSN 1984-6444


SOFIATI, Flávio Munhoz  e  BARBOSA, Caio Henrique Salgado. Youth and education: the militarization of schools in Goiás. Educação. Santa Maria [online]. 2021, vol.46, e62013.  Epub 20-Out-2023. ISSN 1984-6444.

The article analyses the consequences of the implementation process of the Colleges of the Military Police of the State of Goiás, Brazil, based on the concepts of body control and total institutions, showing how this authoritarian model is closely linked to the policy of restricting the freedom of expression of the school community. The text analyzes the arguments of public agents for the vertiginous expansion of this educational model and makes a critical reading of the rules of conduct applied to militarized educational units in the state. It is noted that the rules applied to the school community in these units - such as the daily presence of a sequence of activities guaranteed by punishment mechanisms established by a hierarchy and the set of rules that standardize the look of students and cause loss of identity - allow strict control of the actions of teachers and students, governed by the supervision of officers appointed by the general command of the Military Police, even limiting freedom of expression, considered a fundamental precept for a citizen's education.

Palavras-chave : Youth; Education; Military Colleges.

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