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Educação UFSM

versão impressa ISSN 0101-9031versão On-line ISSN 1984-6444


AGUIAR, Viviane Barbosa Perez  e  RUIZ, Maria José Ferreira. The process of selecting school leaders in Londrina: The implementation of goal 19 of the National Plan of Education 2014-2024. Educação. Santa Maria [online]. 2021, vol.46, e38789.  Epub 25-Out-2023. ISSN 1984-6444.

This text discusses the experience of the municipality of Londrina - PR, regarding the implementation of the Meta 19 (19 goal) of the 2014-2024 Brazilian National Education Plan, known as PNE. The general objective of this work is to discuss the setbacks of the PNE goal 19 by associating democratic management with technical criteria of merit and performance as a form of given access to the role of school leader. Specifically, it intends to (i) demonstrate how this criterion was interpreted and implemented in Londrina and (ii) to analyze the implementation of the process of choosing school leaders in this municipality based on what is determined by the 13,005 / 2014 law. The study was based on the development of bibliographical research and documentary analysis. It concludes that it is the responsibility of municipalities and states, in compliance with the legal provisions, to find ways for democracy to surpass the procedural dimension presented by the PNE and find strength to become stronger as a constitutional principle of the public school in the form of participation and exercise of citizenship.

Palavras-chave : Democratic Management; Election of directors;Technical criteria. Meritocracy..

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