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vol.46Neuroeducação e a construção de Indicadores de Habilidades CognitivasEducação, linguagem e teatro no âmbito da formação universitária: dos lugares teóricos e práticos da cri[ação] pedagógica e artística índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0101-9031versão On-line ISSN 1984-6444


PASCHOALINO, Jussara Bueno de Queiroz  e  OLIVEIRA, Maria Auxiliadora Monteiro De. Organizational Climate in a Higher Education Institution. Educação. Santa Maria [online]. 2021, vol.46, e43820.  Epub 25-Out-2023. ISSN 1984-6444.

The Organizational Climate of a higher education institution was analyzed using the qualitative approach methodology. The objective of the study was to understand the perception of teachers regarding the Organizational Climate of the researched institution. The instruments used, made it possible to hear the participants and showed the determining factors of this object of study. For this article, four factors related to the Organizational Climate were chosen for analysis. The choices of these factors were based on their prevalence in the speeches of the researched subjects. Thus, the analyzes were carried out based on the following factors: relationship and cooperation; opportunity for growth and professional incentives; politics, local, national and international economics and physical and mental health. The results showed the cohesion in the speeches of the participants, who expressed the satisfaction of being part of the institution, even in the face of some obstacles. In relationships and cooperation, they were significant for small groups and departments, and less constant for the collective of the institution. Regarding the opportunity for growth and professional incentives, the participants emphasized the importance of this factor, for the training and qualification of the professionals who worked in it. The factor related to politics and the local, national and international economy left evidence of insecurity in the face of the work scenario. In the perceptions of teachers, physical and mental health, in view of the Organizational Climate, had dubious perspectives. The considerations of this research highlighted the importance of understanding the Organizational Climate of the educational institution and interference in order to make it more and more pleasant.

Palavras-chave : Organizational Climate; University education; Perception of teachers.

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