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Acta Scientiarum. Education

versão impressa ISSN 2178-5198versão On-line ISSN 2178-5201


BLANCHARD, Mercedes  e  PROCOPIO, Leandra Fernandes. Keys and process to configure the identity of the ‘educator teacher’ in the initial training. Acta Educ. [online]. 2021, vol.43, e56997.  Epub 01-Abr-2021. ISSN 2178-5201.

The present and the future of education are awaiting urgent change. Those who can make this change possible are the teachers themselves, their way of understanding themselves, affecting their own educational identity. The purpose of this essay is to approach the development of their own identity, which must be present from the beginning of the training of future professionals, encouraging students to reflect on their own previous educational experience. This identity will be developed, in their formative process and will deepened during their professional trajectory, though the theory-practice reflection. We present a model of teacher-educator, expert in humanity, capable of growing himself and accompanying others to display all their possibilities and they learn to look at themselves and at reality, to influence and transform. It is necessary to prioritize a curriculum that puts educational theories with own life.

Palavras-chave : initial training; educating identity; teacher-educator; reflective practice.

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