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Revista Internacional de Educação Superior

versão On-line ISSN 2446-9424

Rev. Int. Educ. Super. vol.8  Campinas  2022  Epub 12-Ago-2022 

Report Experience

Evaluation: Experience in the Pedagogy Course at UFCG's Cajazeiras-PB Campus*

Aparecida Carneiro Pires1 
lattes: 5613969088897311;

Adriana Moreira de Souza Corrêa2

Valéria Maria de Lima Borba3

1,2,3Universidade Federal de Campina Grande


This article aims to analyze the experience of a teacher in the subject Assessment of Learning, offered in day and night classes, to students of the Pedagogy course of the 5th period, from the Teacher Training Center (CFP), Cajazeiras campus, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), in the semester 2017-1. In view of the above, the following questions arose: what are the teaching experiences that influence the construction of the concept of learning evaluation? How does this knowledge of experience interfere in the activities related to the formation of the undergraduate student to carry out the evaluation of learning, considering the variables (conceptions, strategies and instruments)? Methodologically, we conducted a bibliographic research, with documentary data, collected from class diaries, field diaries and photographs, which were analyzed in a qualitative approach. For this, we based ourselves on theoreticians such as Hoffmann, Luckesi, Vasconcellos, among others. As results we identified that the educator's perception of the theme and his/her experiences with the subject, influence the selection of the theoretical basis and the approach of the contents referring to learning evaluation. Moreover, with the interventions proposed by the teacher (study of texts, audiovisual resources, debates, scientific production, and extension activities), the students reflected on their conceptions about the educational approach, which were initially focused on the examination/classification, and progressively built visions/perceptions about formative and diagnostic evaluation from the perspective of social promotion in favor of learning.

KEYWORDS: Learning evaluation; Experience report; Teacher education; Conceptions; Teaching practices


Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a experiência de uma docente na disciplina Avaliação da Aprendizagem, oferecida nos turnos diurno e noturno, aos estudantes do curso de Pedagogia do 5º período, do Centro de Formação de Professores (CFP), campus de Cajazeiras, da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), no semestre 2017-1. Em face do exposto, suscitou-nos as seguintes inquietações: quais são as experiências docentes que influenciam na construção do conceito de avaliação da aprendizagem? Como esses saberes da experiência interferem nas atividades voltadas para a formação do licenciando para a realização da avaliação da aprendizagem considerando as variáveis (concepções, estratégias e instrumentos)? Metodologicamente, realizamos uma pesquisa bibliográfica, com dados documentais, coletados a partir dos diários de classe, de campo e fotografias, os quais foram analisados em uma abordagem qualitativa. Para isso, apoiamo-nos em teóricos como Hoffmann, Luckesi, Vasconcellos, entre outros. Como resultados identificamos que a percepção do educador sobre a temática e as suas experiências com o tema influenciam na seleção da base teórica e na abordagem dos conteúdos referentes à avaliação da aprendizagem. Outrossim, com as intervenções propostas pela docente (estudo de textos, de recursos audiovisuais, debates, produção científica e atividades de extensão), os discentes refletiram sobre as suas concepções sobre a avaliação da aprendizagem que eram, inicialmente, voltadas para o exame/classificação e, progressivamente, construíram visões/percepções acerca da avaliação formativa e diagnóstica na perspectiva de promoção social em prol do aprendizado.

PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Avaliação da aprendizagem; Relato de experiência; Formação de professores; Concepções; Práticas docentes


Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la experiencia de un profesor en la disciplina Evaluación del Aprendizaje, ofrecida en los turnos diurno y nocturno, a los estudiantes del curso de Pedagogía del 5º período, del Centro de Formación Docente (CFP), campus Cajazeiras, Universidad Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), en el semestre 2017-1. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, planteó las siguientes preguntas: ¿cuáles son las experiencias docentes que influyen en la construcción del concepto de evaluación del aprendizaje? ¿Cómo interfiere este conocimiento de la experiencia en las actividades dirigidas a la formación del estudiante de pregrado para realizar la evaluación del aprendizaje considerando las variables (concepciones, estrategias e instrumentos)? Metodológicamente, realizamos una investigación bibliográfica, con datos documentales, recogidos de los diarios de clase, de campo y fotografías, que fueron analizados en un enfoque cualitativo. Para ello, nos apoyamos en teóricos como Hoffmann, Luckesi, Vasconcellos, entre otros. Como resultados identificamos que la percepción del educador sobre el tema y sus experiencias con el mismo influyen en la selección de la base teórica y el enfoque de los contenidos relacionados con la evaluación del aprendizaje. Además, con las intervenciones propuestas por el profesor (estudio de textos, recursos audiovisuales, debates, producción científica y actividades de extensión), los alumnos reflexionaron sobre sus concepciones acerca de la evaluación de los aprendizajes, que inicialmente estaban centradas en el examen/clasificación y progresivamente fueron construyendo visiones/percepciones sobre la evaluación formativa y diagnóstica desde la perspectiva de la promoción social a favor del aprendizaje.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Evaluación del aprendizaje; Informe sobre la experiencia; Formación de profesores; Conceptos; Prácticas de enseñanza


Conceptualizing learning assessment is a difficult task, as it involves the educator's conceptions, the guidelines and the instruments made available by researchers in the area to analyze the path of internalization of knowledge by the student about a particular skill or content. In this perspective, it is relevant to mention that the planning of the evaluation process needs, above all, to take into account specificities and/or limitations evidenced in the teaching-learning process, as well as to consider the intercurrences found in the country's own socio-historical and educational context. Therefore, discussing the experiences of the undergraduate student's training for evaluation is relevant in order to identify the weaknesses and the activities that were successful, i.e., those that allowed the achievement of the objectives listed by the educator.

In view of the above, the following questions arise: what are the teaching experiences that interfere in the construction of the concept of learning evaluation? How does this knowledge of experience interfere in the activities aimed at the formation of the undergraduate student to carry out the evaluation of learning considering the variables (conceptions, strategies and instruments)? Thus, the purpose of this report is to analyze the experience lived in the subject Learning Assessment, offered in the day and night shifts, to the students of the Pedagogy course, 5th period, from the Centro de Formação de Professores (CFP) (Teacher Training Center), Cajazeiras campus, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG). The subject is based on the theoretical assumptions of Cipriano Carlos Luckesi (2011, 2018), Maria Teresa Esteban (2000), Celso dos Santos Vasconcellos (1995) and Jussara Hoffmann (2018). As specific objectives we listed: analyze the relationship of the educator's training with the careful choice of practices and theorists to organize the subject; discuss the experiences of the educator with the students during the proposed activities in the curricular component, considering the students' prior knowledge and the knowledge that was built from the activities developed in the light of the aforementioned theorists.

The research is configured as an experience report and, based on the classification of Silveira and Córdova (2009), the text presented here is the result of a study with a descriptive objective and the data come from bibliographic studies, observations and records in the class diary, field diary and photographs collected by the teacher. The data were organized in two axes, namely, the experiences of the teacher and the experiences with the students. These data were analyzed in a qualitative approach.

This text is divided into the following axes: Evaluation and educator's formation, relationship between educators' conceptions and practices; Methodology; Evaluation in the Pedagogy course of UFCG/ Cajazeiras campus - PB, which is subdivided into analysis of the students' previous knowledge: variables between conception and diagnostic evaluation; Interlocutions with other educators; Unfoldings of the discipline: research and extension activities, followed by the Final Considerations.

2 Evaluation and Educator Training

The evaluation of learning has a predominant role in the educational process, considering that it is configured as an indispensable tool to identify the student's path in the process of knowledge construction and, thus, enable the teacher to resize the teachinglearning process. In this sense, the researchers of this article defend continuous studies of teachers who teach the subject Educational/Learning Evaluation, among other nomenclatures, in a formative perspective, in order to broaden the reflections about the complexity of the theme with the students. In other words, the researchers defend a continuous, diagnostic and formative evaluation both in the Pedagogy course, as well as in the graduation courses in general, because this modality allows teachers and students to observe the challenges and pedagogically respect the rhythm and differentiated learning processes of each student.

Vasconcellos (2004, p. 73) states that: "the evaluation as a pedagogical process should be an instrument for the production of learning, for the qualification of the educational work. Thus, we understand that the different conceptions involved in understanding the meaning of the concept of evaluation, whether to classify, to diagnose, to reward or to know how to improve teaching and learning as an overcoming of school failure, interfere directly in the quality of results and pedagogical objectives.

Thus, this section seeks to weave the theoretical bases that guide our analysis as we discuss the relevance of assessment in a diagnostic, procedural, and formative conception that questions assessment experiences based on memorization, reproduction, and classification of students based on the reproduction of the content worked by teachers, an experience that can be experienced by students and/or teachers in schools and universities.

In higher education, we notice that undergraduate students, even before entering university, construct conceptions about teaching and the practices associated with it in their relations with previous experiences in educational environments. This also occurs with assessment, a moment of learning that can be developed, as Luckesi (2011) explains, from the perspective of examination or reorganization of the educational path. For the author, the evaluation as an exam aims to classify the student by assigning grades to the performance presented and, for this, it uses only the response to a given instrument of measurement of knowledge. Such action inspires an evaluation that prioritizes selection, classification, competition and, finally, the exclusion of those students who do not get the minimum score that guarantees their approval. This evaluation practice, in the understanding of Charlot (2000), stimulates students to develop survival strategies for school that may lead them to a mediocre performance, considering that they are restricted to memorization to obtain the grades for approval instead of giving meaning to learning.

In the diagnostic assessment approach, discussed by Luckesi (1996), this moment of learning aims to identify what the student has learned, how he or she has learned, as well as what he or she needs to learn and these data serve for the educator to reflect on didacticpedagogical situations (planned by him or her and applied in the classroom with the group) as well as the effectiveness of assessment instruments and teaching strategies, so that there is learning for all students. From this conception of evaluation, it is possible to put into practice an evaluation of learning based on cooperation, in which the student and his learning become the center of the teaching process, thus favoring all students.

These perceptions about assessment, which come from teachers and are reflected in their practices, generate in students, beliefs about assessment and direct their views on learning, especially those students who seek training for teaching. Hoffmann (2018) explains that these teachers' beliefs about students' abilities and about the function of assessment interfere in the evaluative model employed with a given class. In the same sense, Luckesi (2011, p. 25) warns that:

The beliefs that consciously or unconsciously direct our educational action constitute political-pedagogical criteria that guide our daily actions. Unfortunately, most of the time our beliefs act in an unconscious way, in the form of common sense, resulting from beliefs and habits acquired and sedimented throughout our personal history.

Given this, Luckesi (2011) highlights that the individual and the professional function as a whole, inseparable, as the experiences obtained throughout life can influence the view on education and the processes inherent in the teaching practice, in the choice of conceptions that the undergraduate will use when finalizing the initial training for teaching and when exercising the function of educator.

Hoffmann (2018) explains that a belief of learning assessment as a sententious practice prevails in education, and that this understanding is not limited to the educator's perception, but extends to other members of the school community, so it is a vision woven and socially reproduced. Thus, when the student enters the university in undergraduate courses, such as Pedagogy, this understanding of evaluation is internalized by their experiences and needs to be reconstructed by the educator. Therefore, it is a challenge to the higher education teacher to re-signify this knowledge coined in the experience with the mediation of other knowledge built by the students, either in moments of theoretical discussion or in the experiences in research and extension activities offered by the university.

About the internalization of beliefs and practices built by the undergraduates, Tardif (2002) lists five sources of knowledge that need to be recognized, because through them it is possible to reinforce or question the legitimacy of certain teaching practices. The first source is called teachers' personal knowledge; the second comes from knowledge arising from previous schooling and comprises the understandings forged in the experience and in the internalization of beliefs built in contact with the practice of other educators; the third corresponds to the knowledge obtained in professional training for teaching - the focus of this article - which involves the reflections provided by the teaching activities proposed in undergraduate courses, in internships, in free courses, etc. The fourth involves the interaction with educational tools and the teachers' analyses of the conceptions, the didactic organization, and the educational purposes present in different instruments, such as books, evaluation sheets, and other resources; the fifth source of knowledge is the teachers' experience in didactic and pedagogical situations experienced in their professional career and the knowledge derived from these reflections.

It is relevant to point out that the term experience has many meanings, since it can be approached by several fields of knowledge. The common meaning attributed to the term is found in dictionaries, such as the Online Portuguese Dictionary (2021, s. p.):

Knowledge or learning obtained through practice or experience: life experience; work experience. Test made in an experimental manner; proof, trial: Mode of learning obtained systematically, being improved over time. All knowledge acquired through the use of the senses.

Given the above, we note that this is the analysis of particular experiences, lived from the interaction between individuals and between individuals and the environment, which generate unique impressions about a particular context or phenomenon, as they relate to their prior knowledge on the subject. However, our focus is to discuss the knowledge of experience lived by a teacher and the analysis of these experiences from the standpoint of theories that deal with learning evaluation, therefore, we use here the idea of experience linked to the understanding of knowledge of experience advocated by Pimenta (2012, p. 22) by pointing out that:

[...] the knowledge of experience is also that which teachers produce in their daily teaching, in a permanent process of reflection on their practice, mediated by that of others - their colleagues, the texts produced by other authors. This is where they gain importance in teacher education in the processes of reflection on their own practice.

When considering the above-mentioned sources of knowledge, we identify that undergraduate training is situated in the middle of a personal experience for professional practice, thus allowing the educator who acts as a teacher trainer to promote, based on prior knowledge, discussions and reflections that favor a perception and practice of democratic evaluation.

As Pimenta (2012, p. 21) highlights. "The challenge, then, posed to initial training courses is to collaborate in the process of passage of students from seeing the teacher as a student to seeing themselves as a teacher". In view of this, we argue that these actions should be considered in the undergraduate courses, whether those dealing with learning evaluation or others that address teaching-related content, because we understand that teaching and learning evaluation are inseparable.

When relating the sources of knowledge listed by Tardif (2002) and the statement of Pimenta (2012) on initial training, we identify that the undergraduate degree is located in the middle of a personal experience for professional practice. In this path, it is up to the educator, who acts as a teacher trainer to promote, from the student's previous knowledge, discussions and reflections that favor a perception and practice of a democratic evaluation. Therefore, we argue that these actions should be considered in undergraduate courses, as well as in other educational moments proposed by the university, such as events, mini-courses and workshops, so that students, in contact with teaching materials and when asked to perform assessment practices, select instruments and strategies that build a democratic and inclusive assessment.

Hoffmann (2018) says that a quality school needs to identify the sociocultural conditions of students and, from there, outline goals and plan strategies that enable learning in order to build a democratic and inclusive practice. For the researcher, the effectiveness of this evaluative approach is not based on the absence of objectives, but on the flexibility and destandardization of these objectives so that the students' advances according to their possibilities are valued and encouraged. In this sense, the author refers that learning needs to be conceived as "[...] the succession of constant and dependent acquisitions of the opportunity that the environment offers them, assuming the pedagogical commitment in the face of individual differences" (HOFFMANN, 2018, p. 55). In view of this, for the school to change, teacher training needs to highlight the practice of assessment as an examination and develop activities that encourage the learner to rethink the knowledge built in previous experiences with learning assessment and re-signify them so that they develop activities aimed at development and learning instead of serving the classification and exclusion.

From this perspective, being democratic does not imply only offering the same condition to all students, but also promoting equal opportunities of access to mechanisms that enable the construction of knowledge, either by the variety of instruments and languages used in the assessment or by the implementation of large or small curricular adaptations (BRASIL, 2000a).

Ferreira (2009) states that the teacher is the agent who can implement the change in education, but that, for this, he or she needs to have a consistent foundation, to be based on a learning theory and, consequently, on assessment proposals that consider human diversity, in addition, he or she must use the data from this pedagogical moment to promote other learning. Still according to the author, this change is urgent and necessary in order to overcome the classification of the student based only on the systematized knowledge and, thus, promote the full development of the student.

Based on what has been discussed, in the next topic we will describe the methodological design with which we conducted this study.

3 Methodology

The research consists of an experience report of a higher education teacher in the teaching of the subject Learning Assessment for Pedagogy undergraduates, in which the formative experiences of this educator and the teaching practice are intertwined. Daltro and Faria (2019, p. 231) explain that the experience report is a methodology that allows the construction of scientific knowledge and "[...] that circumscribes the researcher's political, epistemological, and temporal positioning, but also involves his exposed internal world, and in exchange with his environment". Therefore, the relationship with the authors and the experiences that constituted the teacher's learning about the theme have influence in the choices of conceptions, in the planning of strategies, and in the selection of instruments used for the construction of the students' knowledge about learning evaluation. According to the research classification of Silveira and Córdova (2009), this report, is characterized as a descriptive research regarding the objectives and the data are analyzed in a qualitative perspective.

Daltro and Faria (2019) state that this methodology, by its discursive constitution, does not propose to build a universal or replicable knowledge, given that it reveals unique variants built in the relationship of the object with the researcher, therefore, the data analysis is performed in a qualitative approach. For Silveira and Córdova (2009, p. 32):

Researchers using qualitative methods seek to explain the why of things, expressing what should be done, but they do not quantify values and symbolic exchanges, nor do they subject themselves to the proof of facts, because the data analyzed are nonmetric (elicited and interaction) and make use of different approaches.

As the authors point out, in this research, researchers maintain a very high level of proximity with the object and the objective of the investigation is to discuss the dynamics of social relations. In this research, this characteristic is expressed when we prepare the report based on the data from the class diary, field diary, and photographic record of the activities developed by the teacher of the subject. In the field diary, besides the records on the teacher's evaluation of the proposed activities, the considerations expressed in the students' speeches about their previous perceptions on the evaluation and those that were built during the formative process were also reported.

In light of the above, we seek, in the next section, to present the path that brought the teacher of the subject closer to the object under discussion and the influences of her training in educational practice.

4 Evaluation in the Pedagogy Course at UFCG/Campus Cajazeiras -PB

When considering the perspective of Tardif (2002) that addresses the relationship of previous experiences as a source of knowledge for the formation of the educator, we weave a report permeated by the testimony of one of the authors in which it is highlighted the initial contact with the academic discussion about the evaluation of learning. This reflective moment occurred during her graduation in the Pedagogy course at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Catalão campus - GO until her practice as a university teacher. About the role of the researcher in the experience report, Daltro and Faria (2019, p. 231, emphasis added) say that:

(...) From his place of speech and, in the narrated speech, he also demonstrates his encounters with the units that are prior to him, such as the economy and geopolitics that surround him. These units will be taken as critical elements, this exchange triggers his way of narrating his ethos with its respective analytical possibilities and responsibilities.

This narrated speech begins in the undergraduate course in Pedagogy, in the period between 1999 and 2002, with the approval as a scholarship holder of the Undergraduate Scholarship Program (PROLICEN1 ), an opportunity in which he developed a research on learning evaluation. According to the information available on the site of this scholarship program, the PROLICEN has been implemented since 1980, as a Program of the Secretary of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education (SESu-MEC), aiming at the valorization of undergraduate studies and the interaction of the University with the public teaching network (PROLICEN, 2002).

In the research work developed in 2001 by PROLICEN, during the first stage of the investigation, students from Physical Education, Geography, History, Mathematics, Pedagogy and Literature courses at UFG were approached to identify, through informal conversations, how the teachers of these degrees were perceived by the students. These students classified the professors in two categories: "smithy" and "more human" based on the evaluation methodologies and perspectives they offered in their educational practices, thus corroborating to raise perceptions of evaluation concepts to the students. In this context, the expression "smiths" was attributed by the students to the professors who offered only expository classes and, thus, proceeded in their evaluations in the model of tests, examinations, and standardized tests, in which the grade and the threats of approval and disapproval were recurring practices of these professors. The educators mentioned by the students as "more human" were those who offered dynamic classes, provided continuous monitoring of the students, answering their questions during the activities developed, and their evaluations were characterized by presenting the criteria in a transparent way.

After the interviews and data transcription, the participants' speeches were analyzed. For this analysis, it was necessary to conduct an advanced search for texts and readings of authors who dealt with the theme in order to support the understanding of the data collected, such as Jussara Hoffmann and Cipriano Luckesi2. Thus, this was the first contact with specific studies on educational evaluation and encouraged the educator to continue to study the subject and, based on these readings, seek others that would expand the understanding of the subject.

The second moment of contact with studies on educational evaluation occurred through participation in the Research Group Educational Evaluation (GEPAE), at the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU), in 2003. According to the group's page on the social network Instagram - @gepaeufu (2020) - GEPAE3 is composed of university professors, teachers of Basic Education and evaluation researchers.

The active participation in this group allowed the educator to reflect on the theme with the different readings and interpretations of the group members, mature them and prepare a master's project, which sought, when approved, to problematize the commodification of higher education and the impacts on citizen training in Uberlândia - MG. The problematic of the research was to understand what the criteria were and how the evaluation carried out by the Ministry of Education (MEC) officials to approve the accreditation of private college courses occurred.

In 2017, with the admission to the Evaluation Research Group (GA4), linked to the line in Policy and Education Management of the Graduate Program of the School of Education of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), it was possible to deepen the conceptual aspects on the theme and broaden the discussion to educational evaluation following the theoretical and methodological advances related to its implementation.

The reflections shared with this group were important for the development of the research conducted by the course teacher in order to understand how the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) promoted the training of researchers while maintaining, concomitantly an external evaluation of stricto sensu graduate programs in which the control of production/publication of articles in journals and periodicals with Qualis A1 and A2 and decreasing stratifications (from B onwards) and the awarding of research scholarships to those programs that achieved better grades in the triennial evaluation offered by the referred agency prevailed. The theoretical maturing provided by the meetings favored the elaboration of the doctoral project in education with a theme focused on the analysis of the evaluation of the educational system, especially in higher education, with a research proposal that problematized the diversification of criteria among educational areas and Brazilian regions.

Thus, the considerations, reflections and analyses developed in academic life accompanied and still accompany the researcher in her continued teaching education, as well as in her praxis as an adjunct professor in the Pedagogy course at the Cajazeiras - PB campus of UFCG. Upon assuming the teaching position in the Academic Unit of Education (UAE), she was assigned the subject of Learning Assessment in the semester 2017.1, a moment in which she discussed with the undergraduate students’ contents related to learning assessment, encompassing historical and practical issues.

The assessment subject at UFCG - Cajazeiras campus - presents as its menu:

Assessment of learning: historical, sociopolitical and pedagogical implications. Conceptions and evaluative practices. The evaluation and different approaches to teaching and learning. The evaluation and the educational project of the school (UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE CAMPINA GRANDE, 2009, p. 53).

In order to fulfill the menu, we elaborated the following objectives: understand the meaning and the evaluation process in the context of the system and the school; discuss the evaluation category and its centrality in the capitalist school; distinguish and understand the functions of formal and informal evaluation; and investigate evaluation practices of the teaching-learning process developed in basic education school.

Numerous activities were carried out to work on these objectives in a connected way, that is, from the perspective of observing the nuances of the object of study from multiple perspectives and, in this paper, we discuss some of them.

4.1 Students' Prior Knowledge: Nuances Between Conception and Diagnostic Assessment

When introducing the subject, we presented the proposals of activities designed for the semester and then tried to ask students about their conceptions of assessment so that, based on this data, we could make changes in the planning that were relevant to meet the formative needs of the group. Thus, thinking in a perspective of evaluation of the results of an action in successive moments (LUCKESI, 2018), we understand that these changes should occur since the first meeting with the students, because the initial training is a unique moment that encourages reflection on the path to be taken to promote the learning of the undergraduates.

When considering the moment of assessment, according to (Luckesi, 2018), we can say that we performed a diagnostic assessment, which the author uses a concept coined by Bloom (n/n) to define it as follows: "[...] the diagnostic assessment is one that should occur before an action, producing a reading of the qualities of reality from which decisions would be made regarding its implementation" (LUCKESI, 2018, p. 173).

In view of this, the teacher proposed a round of conversation about evaluation and, from the students' speeches, records were made in her field diary. When analyzing the records, we noticed that the predominant idea of assessment is of a negative, misunderstood experience, that is, as some students reported: "the seven-headed bug". A similar perception is reported by Ferreira (2009), when presenting drawings of students from the first, seventh and eighth grades of elementary school who associated the evaluation with representations of folkloric characters who perform actions that escape the social standard, such as the vampire, the demon, the ghost, the seven-headed bug itself, among others. Similar data are reported by Hoffmann (2018), when conducting training with teachers and requesting the same task. Thus, the association of evaluation with fear is present in different groups, with different ages and social roles.

Associated with this, it was raised by the class, perceptions such as the anguish when being evaluated and the incomprehension that the best grades and, consequently, the social conceptions about intelligence are based on the ability to memorize and literally reproduce, preferably in written form, the speech of the authors who prepared the teaching materials made available by the educator.

Another question raised by the students is the conception of evaluation associated with grades and written tests, considering that this is the predominant strategy for measuring knowledge experienced by them since elementary school. These students reported that, even though they didn't learn the content present in the assessment, especially when it comes to the subjects of Mathematics and its Technologies, as well as Nature Sciences and its Technologies, they were approved. This is because they used memorization as a strategy to pass these exams. The students also explained that, in the evaluation perspective used by their teachers, the error in the activities/exercises or in the test was usually conceived as evidence of the student's incapacity and not as an opportunity to understand his learning trajectory and reformulate it. In the same sense, Luckesi (2011, p. 25) states that:

The beliefs that consciously or unconsciously guide our educational action constitute the political-pedagogical criteria that guide our daily actions. [...] our beliefs act unconsciously. In the form of common sense, arising from beliefs and habits acquired and sedimented throughout personal history.

In this perception, the report of undergraduates about the assessment experiences in Basic Education, coming from previous school education (TARDIF, 2002), indicate that these students experienced assessment situations that caused fear, exclusion, paralysis, emotional damage and often the reproduction of the traditional model of assessment, fruit of the Traditional Pedagogy that, according to Luckesi (2011, p. 21) "[...] is based on a static look about the learner and therefore supports well the practice of exams in school - whose function is to classify the already given, the already happened". 21) "[...] is based on a static view of the learner and therefore supports well the practice of exams in school - whose function is to classify the already given, the already happened".

Regarding this discussion, we quote Freire (2005) in his work Pedagogy of the Oppressed, in which the author presents an analysis of banking education. In his writings we observe that this conception of education is similar to Traditional Pedagogy, since only the educator is considered to be the holder of knowledge and the learner would be the deposit, that is, a receiver of content, which should be memorized without criticism.

Returning to the concept of experiential knowledge proposed by Tardif (2002), we notice that undergraduate students consider that the way they were evaluated, especially through the test as the only instrument to be used in the evaluation, limited the possibility of acquiring knowledge and the interaction of this knowledge with the realities experienced by them. And, in face of these perceptions, we reflect that these students need to be stimulated to develop, especially at university, knowledge more in line with their expectations about evaluation. To overcome the practice reported by the undergraduates, it is essential that the assessment is reconnected to the teaching practice, in other words, it is essential that it is understood, as Luckesi (2011) warns us, as a component of pedagogical practice.

Another concern related to the diagnostic moment of the evaluation of learning comprises the reference that the students presented about the teachers in a round of conversation organized by the teacher of the subject. Later, the synthesis of these reports was recorded by the teacher in the form of notes in the field journal. For research purposes, these records were categorized based on the classifications made by the students themselves when dividing the teachers into two groups: "good" and "goody-goody" teachers. At this moment, we are reminded of the dichotomies presented by the students of the Catalão campus of the UFG, on the occasion of the research prepared for the PROLICEN when they referred to the professors as "smith" and "more human". In the words of the students, the teacher called "good" corresponds to the "smith", that is, the one who presents the content through lectures, rarely allows student participation or promotes debate. In this sense, the reflections proposed by Luckesi (1996) allow us to deduce that the role played by this teacher is restricted to imposing the test as an evaluation and offering the grade as a prize, that is, he/she demonstrates his/her preference for the traditional evaluation and declares that the student must reach the minimum grade required by the university (7.0) for approval without being submitted to the final test.

In this sense, we understand that, with the prerogative of training students with the ability to express themselves in the written language, this teacher's classes are predominantly focused on memorizing content and the material provided by the educator is based on authors previously analyzed and considered valid by him. Thus, this teacher acts in a perspective of knowledge holder, as described by Freire (2005), who deposits the knowledge considered indispensable for the undergraduate to practice teaching. Thus, students are exposed to a situation of pressure to achieve the minimum grade for approval, internalizing theoretical knowledge dissociated from practice, instead of being instigated to identify the relationship of this knowledge with the situations that arise in everyday life.

The second category of teacher, also from the perspective of the undergraduates heard in the PROLICEN research, is seen as the teacher who is democratic, humane, as he ensures the approval of all students, without requiring commitment to activities and effort to appropriate the knowledge selected to be worked on in a particular subject. Similarly, to what happens with the "good" teacher, the undergraduates criticize the "good-natured" professional, for being the opposite of the authoritarian and demanding one, constituting, in the students' perception, a relapsing educator who is not committed to the students' education.

In both profiles described by the students, we observed the ignorance of these students and the educators described by them about the fundamentals of an emancipating, fair, democratic assessment that, as conceptualized by authors such as Luckesi (2011, 2018); Hoffmann (2018); Esteban (2000) and Vasconcellos (1995), differs from practices that are based exclusively on tests, exams, tests, measurements and classification.

In view of what the students exposed, we seek to insert differentiated conceptualizations of assessment, such as the one presented by Hoffmann (2018) who proposes, for example, a reflection on the reasons that generate the failure evidenced in the classificatory assessment practices, in order to seek alternatives to overcome this obstacle to assessment and learning. The author is against approaches that are based on the performance of tests with scheduled days and indicates that, instead, several diverse and successive tasks are performed, regularly analyzed by teachers, whose purpose is not only to assign grades or concepts, but mainly to identify the progress of students in order to reflect on the strategies that had positive results in terms of promoting the development of students throughout the process.

From this perspective, the evaluation was worked as an integral part of the teachinglearning process (as indicated by Luckesi in the works published in 2011 and 2018 cited throughout this work), enabling dialogical and collaborative learning integrating students and teachers, in the perspective of Freire (2005). Thus, we prioritized the use of activities based on methodologies that offered a more active role to the student in his own learning, such as presentation of summaries of readings of reference authors (cited throughout the work) to classmates and problematizations of these readings based on illustrations of real and/or fictional cases.

At these moments, the teacher of the course directed the activities through resources such as data show, which allowed the analysis of images, songs, and movies that led or complemented the discussions. The use of these resources made it possible to have a dialogical class, allowing the students to use this moment to share their previous knowledge about the subject and to give new meaning to the experiences they had in basic education, as well as to design new practices to be built. Thus, the class based on activities that constitute a formative and diagnostic evaluation offers possibilities for dialogue between teacher and students and promotes democratic, inclusive, and welcoming learning.

As we debated these cases, an interest emerged in learning about experiences that questioned the traditional "model" of evaluation, in which the examination and the grade prevail, to the detriment of reflection and student autonomy. Based on these questions, we showed the movie based on the book A very crazy teacher by Ziraldo Alves Pinto (2011) to these classes.

The main character in the story, Catharina Roque, is an educator who uses different teaching strategies and, therefore, becomes an unforgettable teacher for them. The activities proposed by the teacher to the class mark the teaching-learning process based on Freire's (2005) proposal of knowledge mediation, dialogical relationship in the construction of knowledge, valuing students' previous knowledge, and breaking the perception of the educator as the holder of knowledge.

With this methodology, Cate Roque, as she was called, taught the students to think, communicate, produce texts: to develop interpersonal relationships and responsibility with their actions, bearing in mind that these result in individual consequences and for life in society. Crazy teacher did not apply tests to her students because she believed that everyone was able to learn and be approved, in other words, she did not perform a content-based assessment, from the exam perspective, because her choice was for the mediating conception of assessment, as Hoffmann (2018) presents us.

The film The Nutty Professor raises reflections about the role that assessment has in the student's life, from deconstructions of assessment standards proposed by the school, as well as to build new educational practices that allow (re) thinking the action-reflection-action, the pleasure in studying and being continuously assessed.

In addition to the theoretical texts and the analysis of real and fictitious situations involving evaluation, we seek to promote dialogues with other educators who work with themes related to evaluation, in order to broaden the students' perception on the subject.

In view of the above, we believe that the reflection incited by the movie, favored the students to observe the possibilities of deconstructing evaluation standards proposed by the school and to build new practices that bring, in the students that will be taught by them, the pleasure of studying and being continuously evaluated.

4.2 Interlocutions with Other Educators

Therefore, it was thought to plan activities that contemplated the course content, but that, simultaneously, brought discussions from researchers in areas such as Inclusive Education and Early Childhood Education. Thus, in order for students to have contact with multiple perspectives on Learning Assessment, two activities associated with the course were offered: a roundtable and a mini-course.

The roundtable entitled "Evaluation in question: discussing the ways and forms of school assessment" allowed a theoretical and practical reflection through the speeches of two teachers with degrees in Education: one who taught the curricular component called Theories of Education and Learning Assessment at UFCG and the other, with a long experience in Early Childhood Education.

Thus, the interlocution with other educators in the exposition of the theme and the dialogue between teachers and students favored the participation and learning of the students, who could understand the evaluation practices of the university and Early Childhood Education teachers, since both socialized their challenges and achievements with the classes they had already worked with. According to their speeches, the praxis needs to be constantly contemplated in the educator's training and performance, that is, theory and practice inseparable and substantial to pedagogues who are really concerned about seeking strategies that overcome the view of evaluation based exclusively on exams and results.

During the course discussions, the students pointed out the challenge of evaluating children with disorders, syndromes, and disabilities, that is, students targeted for Special Education, who should be included in inclusive classes. This concern arose because documents such as the Law of Directives and Bases of National Education (LDB) indicate the legal determination that the Brazilian Educational System is organized in order to promote Inclusive Education (BRASIL, 1996), therefore, these undergraduate students, when exercising their teaching role, will need to assess children with disabilities, syndromes and disorders.

The initial planning of the discipline and the proposal present in the syllabus disregarded this aspect of assessment and this raised in the teacher of the discipline the motivation to invite a Special Education teacher who works as a Libras teacher at the same university and campus that we lived the experience reported here, to make some clarifications about the assessment in the inclusive perspective. Before reporting, we consider it pertinent to differentiate the concepts of Special Education and Inclusive Education.

Special education is a type of teaching that cuts across all levels, stages, and modalities, provides specialized educational care, makes available the services and resources appropriate to this care, and guides students and their teachers regarding its use in regular classes of regular education (BRASIL, 2008, p. 16).

Inclusive Education, as far as it is concerned, is conceptualized in the aforementioned document (BRASIL, 2008) as an educational paradigm, a "conception, a worldview" (MANTOAN, 2015, p. 21) that aims to re-signify the role of the school (structurally and culturally), in order to overcome the logic of exclusion (BRASIL, 2008). Thus, we understand that Special Education is configured as a way to provide the means for inclusion to take place and its understanding is consistent with the evaluation model proposed in the discipline.

The collaboration of the Libras teacher was relevant in order to meet the guidelines present in Article 6, paragraph 3 of Resolution No. 1/2002 of the National Council of Education (CNE) / Full Council (CP), which establishes the Curriculum Guidelines for the Training of Teachers of Basic Education by defining the specificities of the student target of Special Education, as one of the essential knowledge to be worked out for the formation of the educator. In Resolution CNE/CP No. 2/2019, when establishing the Common National Base for the Initial Training of Basic Education Teachers, in points 1 and 10, which deals with the general competencies of teachers, the following are foreseen:

1. Understand and use historically constructed knowledge to be able to teach reality with engagement in student learning and in their own learning collaborating to build a free, just, democratic and inclusive society. [...] 10. Act and encourage, personally and collectively, with autonomy, responsibility, flexibility, resilience, openness to different opinions and pedagogical conceptions, making decisions based on ethical, democratic, inclusive, sustainable and solidary principles, so that the learning environment can reflect these values (BRASIL, 2019, p. 3, our emphasis).

In this sense, to favor the observance of the principles cited above, the Libras teacher was called to contribute with her view on some characteristics that these students may present, associating them with the small and large adaptations that need to be made to meet them, so that the students with Specific Educational Needs (SEN) have the right to participate, in equal conditions, in the teaching and learning assessment activities proposed by the school.

Small adaptations are those that can be made by the teacher, given the demands observed in class, aiming to favor the learning of the whole class and are effective in the flexibility of the objectives to be achieved by the students; of the contents selected by the educator for the class or for the student; in the selection of the teaching method and the didactic organization of the approach of the contents; in the increase or decrease of time to carry out a certain teaching-learning activity, and in the evaluation instruments and strategies (BRASIL, 2000a).

As for the large curricular adaptations, they are "[...] actions that are of the competence and attribution of the higher political-administrative instances, since they require modifications that involve actions of political, administrative, financial, bureaucratic nature, etc." (BRASIL, 2000b, p. 9).

We see that these adaptations contribute not only to students with SEN, but also to the interaction and education of all students, as they provide ways of understanding students in their singularities and thus may broaden the discussion for the use of various instruments and assessment strategies in a formative and democratic perspective.

In this way, the intervention with the offer of a mini-course was thought in function of the time available for the action, four class hours, as well as considering the structure of the Pedagogy course of this institution that has a specific subject to work with Special Education. Thus, the intervention would serve as a bridge between Special Education and Evaluation, as the knowledge developed in these curricular components permeates the educational action.

The activity carried out by the teachers aimed to highlight the interdisciplinary nature of evaluation, encompassing specificities that should be worked on in the discipline of inclusive education, as well as to encourage students, when teaching, to work collaboratively with other educators in order to seek alternatives to the demands that arise in the educational practice in basic and higher education.

4.3 Course Developments: Research and Extension Activities

The activities and studies started in the course unfolded in other moments and areas of higher education, such as research and extension. As far as research is concerned, we highlight the fact that there were students interested in broadening their readings in order to produce articles for events, as well as to deepen the theme in the Course Conclusion Papers (TCC).

Among the papers approved in national and international events, with the guidance of the course professor, we can mention Evaluation as a mediator of learning in the initial years of elementary education (MACIEL, TAVARES, REZ, PIRES, 2017); of students, as: Educational Evaluation: ways to diagnose and emancipate in the teaching-learning process (PACHECO, PIMENTA, SILVA-NETO, 2017); evaluation as a critical-reflective practice: what a university teacher in mathematics says (PACHECO, BARBOSA, PIRES, 2017); regarding the TCC, we cite the text by Silva (2019), entitled Learning Assessment: conceptions and practices of teachers in the early years of elementary education.

Thus, the discussions held in the subject Learning Assessment provided the participation/training of both the effective teacher of the subject in events, as well as the students, providing visibility both to the theme and to the university to which the students are linked. Thus, we consider the activities to have been fruitful in the sense of arousing the students' interest in continuing their studies of this content in the subsequent semesters.

In addition to these developments, we mention that the student who defended the TCC on learning assessment in early childhood education applied for a place in graduate programs that have axes for studies in this area, showing interest in continuing studies in the same theme addressed in the discipline.

Finally, as part of the activities aimed at students and the external public, we offer the mini-course entitled What? When? How to evaluate? Assumptions and evaluation practices in the perspective of human diversity, in the Pedagogy Week of the CFP/UFCG, in 2018, with the following objectives: expose the theoretical assumptions of evaluation in the perspectives of verification or reflection on the pedagogical practice; discuss the evaluation system present in the documents that guide the Brazilian evaluation; present evaluation approaches based on the different ways of being and acting in the world; socialize alternative evaluation experiences, systematizing the contributions and the reports of the participants. We emphasize that this activity was developed with a workload of 8h/year, distributed over two days, and was the mini-course of the event that presented the highest number of enrollments.

Thus, we believe that undergraduate students can seek to improve their knowledge related to the theme Learning evaluation, since they have experienced it in their basic education and will continue to experience it in their academic routine, especially those students who have been awarded scholarships from the Institutional Program for Scholarship Initiation to Teaching (Pibid) and the Pedagogical Residency. The first program is aimed at students enrolled in the first half of the course and the second, for students taking the degree from the 5th semester on (NASCIMENTO; FAÇANHA; SOUZA, 2019). Thus, we consider that students who participate in these programs have the opportunity to observe the assessment process in the schools where they work, noticing the impacts of the conceptions, strategies, and assessment instruments on student learning and motivation.

For Nascimento, Façanha, and Souza (2019), both programs can contribute significantly to the initial training of students, since they expand the spaces for theoretical and practical training and the continuing education of teachers working in public Basic Education, who may participate in the projects as preceptors in the RP or as supervisors in the Pibid.

In view of the above, the experience with the subject Learning Assessment has given the students the opportunity to interact with teaching and research, enabling participations and publications in international events held at the university itself and in different states.

Finally, it is up to us to continue reflecting and discussing the activities offered in the discipline of Learning Assessment and in other spaces of our university, in order to expand the spaces for training and discussion of the theme both among students (as in teaching and research activities) and mixing students and the external public, such as the mini-course offered in the event promoted by the institution. This goal, which moves us, generates the following questions: have teachers of Basic Education had contact with or still study works that deal with evaluation in education? Do educators of basic education understand the relevant role they have in the decisions and directions of the teaching-learning process and in the evaluation of learning carried out by the school and/or in the external evaluation? How can these educators conceive a differentiated pedagogical practice if their training is insufficient to provide them with the theories to guide their practices?

There are no unanimous answers to these questions, they need to be built in practice, from the analysis of specific realities, therefore, the discussions held with different educators, from academia and basic education.

Final Considerations

The analysis of the experience report presented, lived in the discipline Learning Evaluation, offered to the students of the Pedagogy course, 5th period of the Center for Teacher Training, Cajazeiras campus, UFCG, allowed the researchers to identify that the educators' experiences of teaching, learning and evaluation are woven and reconstructed continuously from the contact with the other's vision (in the meeting with students, discussion with other educators or in the reading of theoreticians who spoke about the theme) as well as in the analysis of our daily practices.

The analysis of the experience report presented, lived in the subject Learning Evaluation, offered to students of the Pedagogy course, 5th period, Teacher Training Center, Cajazeiras campus, UFCG, allowed the researchers to identify that the knowledge of educators' experiences in teaching, learning and evaluation are continuously woven and reconstructed from the contact with the other's vision (in the meeting with students, discussion with other educators or in the reading of theoreticians about the theme) as well as in the analysis of our daily practices.

In this way, we consider that the objectives listed throughout the text were achieved, since we analyzed the relationship between the educator's post-graduation stricto sensu training with the careful choice of theorists on the theme and the pedagogical practices to organize the course taught.

We noticed, during the analysis, the relevance of promoting activities that encourage dialogue and the connection between the subject matter and the students' previous experiences in order to promote the articulation between their previous knowledge and the literature. Given the above, we consider pertinent to discuss the theoretical assumptions of Cipriano Carlos Luckesi (2011, 2018), Maria Teresa Esteban (2000), Celso dos Santos Vasconcellos (1995), Jussara Hoffmann (2018) to support our action-reflection-action about this difficult and necessary debate in favor of a procedural, mediating and humanizing evaluation. This is because these theorists have in common the indication of assessment as a moment of learning aimed at redirecting the paths of teaching and, thus, promoting the learning of all students.

This perception of evaluation was worked on not only by the educator who taught the course, but it was also shared in the activities that presented themselves as an unfolding of this curricular component, such as the mini-course and the round table, which aimed to deepen the undergraduate students' knowledge in this area. Regarding the other activities listed in this text, we highlight that they aimed to socialize the knowledge built with the interactions between students and students with the academic community, either through the participation of students in oral communications, publication of articles and presentation of mini-courses on Learning Assessment.

We believe that these activities and strategies may favor student learning about the variables of assessment (conceptions, strategies, instruments) in order to support the teaching practice of these students who are in the process of initial training and to encourage them to seek continuing education at the end of the course. However, the learnings of the educators who participated in these experiences should also be highlighted, because in a dialogical activity, other ways of perceiving reality are socialized and internalized by the educators, allowing other knowledge to be built.

Therefore, we defend and emphasize that this relevant theme and debate around learning evaluation should continue to permeate the studies and research of educators at all levels of education and that there may be developments with students as well, in an attempt to deconstruct practices that adopt exams and value only the result.

In this sense, we want this article to provide an opportunity for theoretical and practical reflection for educators to expand the conceptions of evaluation/examination/selection and its implications for the teaching-learning process, that is, to contribute to the discussion of the specificities of the construction of multiple instruments selected by teachers in their evaluative practices, highlighting the possibilities of advances in student development and in the aggregate knowledge of each one.

The challenge and the invitation are posed to everyone interested and imbued with the desire to investigate educational assessment.


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1The PROLICEN has been developed since 1980, as a SESu-MEC Program, aiming at the valorization of Bachelor's Degree courses and the interaction of the University with the public teaching network. The Undergraduate Scholarship Program, according to CCEP's resolution 400, aims to encourage the participation of students, through scholarships, in projects of institutional nature, which invest both in the quality of the courses and in the need to ensure the entry, permanence and completion of the course by students of various degrees and/or provide an effective articulation of the undergraduate courses with primary and secondary education. Available at: Bachelor's Degree Scholarship Program - PROLICEN/PROGRAD - Dean of Graduate Studies da Universidade Federal de Goiás.

2The research resulted in a report: PIRES; MOURA, 2002. " A Look at Teachers' Evaluation Practices “ of the Campus at Catalão-UFG".

3Group for Educational Evaluation Research - GEPAE. @gepaeufu. Available at: Accessed on: 23 mar. 2020.

4Assessment Group - GA. Available at: Accessed on: 23 mar. 2020.

Received: May 26, 2020; Accepted: December 05, 2021; Published: January 29, 2022

Corresponding to Author1 Aparecida Carneiro Pires E-mail: Universidade Federal de Campina Grande Campina Grande, PB, Brasil CV Lattes


Texto traduzido por: Silvia Iacovacci. Graduada em: Secretariado Bilíngue e Tradução/Inglês Comercial - Instituto Roberto Schumann - Roma, Itália. E-mail de contato: Orcid:

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