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Educação & Formação

versão On-line ISSN 2448-3583

Educ. Form. vol.8  Fortaleza  2023  Epub 02-Jan-2024 


The school as a privileged place for teaching learning

Jordane Lima Dias Oliveirai  , Responsible for conceptualization, data curation, writing - original draft; lattes: 8426531365872556

Augusto José Savedra Limaii  , Responsible for conceptualization, validation and writing - original draft; lattes: 1518265839960630

Rosa Oliveira Marins Azevedoiii  , Responsible for data curation, supervision of the manuscript; lattes: 3056605003492861

iFederal Institute of Pará, Belém, PA, Brazil. E-mail:

iiFederal Institute of Amazonas, Parintins, AM, Brazil. E-mail:

iiiFederal Institute of Amazonas, Manaus, AM, Brazil. E-mail:


This study aimed to explain what research from the period 2017 to 2021 shows in relation to the school as a place of teaching learning. To this end, the Systematic Literature Review was used as a method, in its three phases: planning, conducting and reporting (Kitchenham, 2004). For data analysis, the Analysis Spiral proposed by Creswell (2014) was used. The results showed a central category, followed by four subcategories, which confirm the school as a privileged place for teacher learning, in four aspects: in initial training, in the development of teaching, research and extension activities in cooperation with the school; in continuing education, when the training needs of teachers are recognized; in the reality experienced at school, where practices are reconstructed; and in the experiential knowledge shared in the school environment.

Keywords: teacher's knowledge; teaching-learning processes; literature review


Este estudo teve por objetivo explicitar o que as pesquisas do período de 2017 a 2021 evidenciam em relação à escola como lugar de aprendizagem docente. Para tal, utilizou-se como método a Revisão Sistemática de Literatura, em suas três fases: planejamento, condução e relato (Kitchenham, 2004). Para a análise dos dados, empregou-se a Espiral de Análise proposta por Creswell (2014). Os resultados evidenciaram uma categoria central, seguida de quatro subcategorias, que confirmam a escola como lugar privilegiado de aprendizagem docente, em quatro aspectos: na formação inicial, no desenvolvimento de atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão em cooperação com a escola; na formação continuada, quando reconhecidas as necessidades formativas dos professores; na realidade vivenciada na escola, onde as práticas são reconstruídas; e nos saberes experienciais compartilhados no meio escolar.

Palavras-chave: saberes do docente; processos de ensino-aprendizagem; revisão de literatura


Este estudio tuvo como objetivo explicar lo que muestran las investigaciones del período 2017 a 2021 en relación a la escuela como lugar de enseñanza aprendizaje. Para ello, se utilizó como método la Revisión Sistemática de Literatura, en sus tres fases: planificación, realización y reporte (Kitchenham, 2004). Para el análisis de los datos, se utilizó la Espiral de Análisis propuesta por Creswell (2014). Los resultados mostraron una categoría central, seguida de cuatro subcategorías, que confirman a la escuela como un lugar privilegiado para el aprendizaje docente, en cuatro aspectos: en la formación inicial, en el desarrollo de actividades de docencia, investigación y extensión en cooperación con la escuela; en la educación continua, cuando se reconocen las necesidades de formación de los docentes; en la realidad vivida en la escuela, donde se reconstruyen las prácticas; y en el saber vivencial compartido en el ámbito escolar.

Palabras clave: saberes del profesor; procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje; revisión de literatura

1 Introduction

When we historically seek the constitution of the research field of teacher education in Brazil, we understand that the studies about teaching knowledge became an important object of research from the 1990 (Diniz-Pereira, 2013). As the years have passed, this field has expanded, which can be evidenced in a study conducted by Diniz-Pereira (2022). This demonstrates the existing interest among researchers regarding the institutionalization of teacher professionalization, teaching identity and understanding aspects concerning the pedagogical action of teachers.

It is also noteworthy that there is a consolidated literature on teaching knowledge, as a trend - understood as a set of characteristics that identify a certain perspective (Ghedin, 2009) -, with reference authors such as Tardif (2014); Pimenta (2012) and Gauthier et al. (2013), which help to think about both the conceptual dimension and the typological dimension.

Among the typologies, each of the authors conceives knowledge necessary for the teaching action and sustain a type of knowledge that the teacher can mobilize in its constitution as a professional, in the initial training and during the professional exercise, the socialization of professional experiences. Among the typologies, each of the authors conceives knowledge necessary for the teaching action and sustain a type of knowledge that the teacher can mobilize in its constitution as a professional, in the initial training and during the professional exercise, the socialization of professional experiences.

Starting from the conceptual and typological dimensions, we seek to think about the most recent research and what they have already advanced in relation to teaching learning, from the following question: “What do the surveys from 2017 to 2021 show of teaching learning in relation to school as a place of learning?”.

Nóvoa (2017) collaborates in the answer to this question when it defends a proposal of institutionalization of teacher training, university vocational training, conceived as a place, from its redesign, for teacher training, reflected in the school as a place that collaborates by excellence in the learning of teaching.

The author also advocates a model for the consolidation of the teaching profession thought as a common home, which articulates university, school and public policies; place of work in schools and knowledge in the university, in authentic collaboration; a place of encounter, that extrapolates what is conceived as initial training, by seeking to develop fundamental learning to the professional practice of teaching.

In order to advance in search of answers to the question, we used the RSL, organized in three phases, based on Kitchenham (2004): 1) planning; 2) conducting the review and 3) reporting. We searched the two main bases of digital Brazilian consultations: the Catalog of Theses and Dissertations of Capes and the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations - BDTD.

From these searches, the research corpus consisted of eight results, analyzed from the three stages of the Spiral of Analysis proposed by Creswell (2014): 1) organization; 2) categorization; and 3) interpretation and representation of data.

To present the study, we organized two sections: the first, methodology, deals with the first two phases for the realization of the RSL: planning and conducting the review; the second, results and discussions, deals with the third phase, around a central category and four subcategories emerged from the analysis.

2 Methodology

Recent studies have pointed out the relevance of doing RSL in the context of teaching and education (Mendes; Pereira, 2020; Ramos; Faria; 2014), through a clear and systematic description of the researcher as to the steps adopted in the research, through well-defined criteria, description of search sources, descriptors used and a rigorous analysis of the selected studies.

For Kitchenham (2004, p. 4), RSL is “[...] a means of evaluating and interpreting all available research relevant to a given research question, topic area or phenomenon of interest [...]” and points out at least three necessary phases: 1) planning; 2) conducting the review and 3) reporting.

In the first phase - planning - the main objective is the research question, according to Chart 1.

Chart 1 Objective and research question 

Objective: To search for dissertations and theses that address “Teaching learning from the perspective of teaching knowledge”, in order to map the production from 2017 to 2021.
Research question: What do the studies from 2017 to 2021 show of teaching learning in relation to school as a place of learning?

Source: Elaborated by the authors (2022).

In this phase, we also developed a protocol, defining the search elements that were applied in the digital databases: a) string or keywords; b) sources to be consulted; c) search period; d) chosen language; e) inclusion and exclusion criteria of the studies. The protocol is necessary to ensure the accuracy in the review and avoid the possibility of bias of the researcher in the selection of studies or in the analysis of these (Kitchenham, 2004).

In combination with the keywords, we constituted a string used in the databases in order to collect works that dealt with the learning of teaching within the trend of teaching knowledge. The same string was used in the two digital databases chosen. We present in Box 2 the keywords and the string originated.

Chart 2 Protocol elements used as search bases 

Teachers' knowledge; Teachers' knowledge; Teaching learning; Basic education
String elaborated
“teaching learning” AND “knowledge” AND “basic education”

Source: Elaborated by the authors (2022).

In the second phase, conducting the review, we submitted the protocol to the two search bases chosen, the Catalog of Theses and Dissertations of Capes and the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), delimited the filters: search period, area of knowledge and concentration area. They obtained the results set out in.

Chart 3 Consulted digital databases and reported results 

Consulted data bases Filters and results
Catalog of Theses and Dissertations of Capes Filters: Period: 2017 to 2021;
Field of Knowledge: Education and Teaching
Concentration Area: Education; Teacher Training; Teacher Training for Basic Education; Processes and Products for Technological Education.
Results: 37 works
Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations - BDTD: Simple search:
Filters: Period: 2017 to 2021
Field of Knowledge: Humanities and Education
Results: 6 works
Advanced search:
Filters: all the fields
Period: 2017 to 2021
Results: 12 works

Source: Elaborated by the authors (2022).

In total, we obtained 55 papers reported, among theses and dissertations, submitted to a preliminary analysis following three procedures: a) reading of the titles; b) reading of the abstracts; c) preliminary application of inclusion and exclusion criteria.

In the preliminary analysis of the results, we have established the inclusion and exclusion criteria as according to Chart 4:

Chart 4 Criteria used in the preliminary analysis of search results 

Criteria for inclusion a - Work covering the period chosen;
b - Work covering the chosen subject;
c - Work that is guided by the theoretical framework of the trend worked;
d - Work discussing teacher training of/for basic education.
Criteria for exclusion a - Work outside the selected search period;
b - Work outside the research theme;
c - Work not theoretically geared to the trend worked;
d - Work that does not deal with teacher training for/for basic education;
e - Repeated work.
f - Works that do not present explicit theoretical and methodological basis.

Source: Elaborated by the authors (2022).

Based on this first analysis, from the reading of the titles, the abstract and the application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, ten studies remained, which underwent extraction of main data, still in the conduct phase of the review.

For data extraction, quality criteria were applied, with each study evaluated according to: a) articulation between the investigated problem and the theoretical framework; b) articulation between the investigated problem, objectives and the research methodology; c) articulation between the methodology used for data analysis and its interpretation; and d) conclusions/ results respond or not to the problem/ objective of the research.

After the extraction of the data, we reached a total of eight studies considered for this review. The synthesis and discussions will be presented in the following section, which is consistent with the third phase of the RSL, report.

3 Results and discussion

For the analysis of the eight selected studies, we considered the results indicated in the abstract, according to Chart 5.

Chart 5 Studies included in the analysis 

Description of the studies Abstracts
Study 1
Thesis: School: Teaching Construction Space
Heloisa Helena Ferreira Correia
Year: 2017
Institution: University of Taubaté
In general, the interviewed teachers agree that the school is a teaching learning space, because it is an environment where learning takes place in context through the resolution of everyday problems, from the exchanges and interactions that occur with students, teachers and all involved in the educational process. They point out that teaching knowledge comes from various sources and that experience is a source of security to act in the profession [...].
Study 2
Thesis: Teaching Learning for the teaching of Geometry in childhood in the context of training and pedagogical practice
Fátima Aparecida Queiroz Dionizio
Year: 2019
Institution: State University of Ponta Grossa
It was found that specific training processes have been necessary for learning to occur for teaching in geometry, because the initial training or self-training has not given account of this task, as are not all experienced courses that contribute. Teachers who participated in training on geometry, considered significant for their learning, reported more elaborate teaching practices, were also more receptive to changes in their practices, from what was developed in the pedagogical workshops. To approach geometry in courses, it was realized the need for teaching strategies that are recognized as effective by teachers in training, taking into account their real learning needs and that articulate theoretical and practical elements. [...].
Study 3
Dissertation: The construction of the pedagogical practice of the undergraduates in Mathematics in the context of the Pibid-Uesb of Vitória da Conquista - Bahia
Mirian Carneiro De Azevedo Meira
Year: 2017
Institution: State University of Southwest Bahia
The results and inferences of the research allow to affirm that the construction of the pedagogical practice is constituted by diverse knowledge mobilized by the teachers in the continuous action of the classroom. In this perspective, the academic knowledge acquired within the degree are diluted, filtered and transformed into reflected knowledge about the action. In the context of Pibid-Uesb were observed actions that allowed the reflection and problematization of Mathematics teaching in High School when we understood that the participants of the research could develop practices mediated by means of theoretical-knowledge interaction between peers and students. Such actions are fundamental for teaching learning in the process of initial training of the graduates.
Study 4
Dissertation: Initial Training of Physics Teachers: the Science Museum as a formative space
Cecilia Vicente De Sousa Figueira
Year: 2019
Institution: Federal University of Uberlândia
[...] the participants of the research considered the museum as a fruitful space for the constitution of the teaching professionality, in the initial formation, with predominance of didactic-pedagogical autonomy, reflection in action and expanded progressive perspectives of human formation. [...]. Science museums are spaces in which they have, through the articulation teaching, research and extension, significant formative-pedagogical experiences, as means of constitution of teaching professionalism, importance as a field of monitoring and mandatory internships in initial training.
Descrição dos estudos Resumos
Study 5
Dissertation: Experienced Teachers of a Freinetian school: identity, knowledge and learning processes
Lenita Martins do Nascimento
Year: 2021
Institution: Federal University of São Carlos
[...] it was possible to discuss knowledge from different sources, especially those related to experience in the profession and identify the phases of the teaching career. It was possible to show that the teachers investigated point out as positive the relationship between beginners and experienced teachers for the construction of professional identity, reflection, work in partnership with peers and the formation of a group identity, as a cooperative based on the Modern School Movement and in the Freinet Pedagogy, and also in the possible dimensions of a Teacher Practice Community for professional learning. The school presented itself as a space for training and learning participants, favoring professional development.
Study 6
Dissertation: How do teachers learn to evaluate? Dimensions of schooling experiences, training and professional performance
Bruno Cabral Costa
Year: 2020
Institution: Federal University of Viçosa
[...] the research data allowed us to understand that “tattoos in the soul” were a source of inspiration for a transformative evaluative practice. The data also suggest that future teachers and teachers of History learn to evaluate by reflecting on the evaluation processes experienced. In addition, the data show that there is a strong influence of the experienced practice on the reflective practice - reflection on action and on action - that they adopt. [...]
Study 7
Dissertation: Emerging contexts in the College of Application: tessituras of teaching in the inclusive perspective.
Tásia Fernanda Wisch
Year: 2020
Institution: Federal University of Santa Maria
[...] it is not possible to understand the profession of teacher without considering a continuous process of construction and [re]construction of pedagogical practices in face of the realities experienced. And these realities are understood as emerging contexts, which cross the teaching through the constant challenges and possibilities that are presented in everyday school.
Study 8
Dissertation: Collaborative work in the continuous training of teachers of the final years of elementary school in a public school in Barueri
Aline Angélica Lima Nonato
Year: 2020
Institution: Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo
The research revealed that the knowledge and experience of each contribute to the formation of the other, when shared. Showed possibilities of work not lonely in the face of difficulties and problems of everyday school from the cooperation teachers and the Pedagogical Coordinator promoted in the meetings of continuing education and that favored the realization of affective and cognitive exchanges, characteristics of a collaborative work. [...]

Source: Elaboration of the authors (2022).

For the analysis, we used three stages of the Spiral of Analysis proposed by Creswell (2014): 1) organization; 2) categorization; and 3) interpretation and representation of data.

In the first stage, organization, we have the files in lists with the main text units to facilitate the handling and exploitation of the collected data. In the second, categorization, after immersion in reading the texts, annotations and markings of the main phrases and keywords, we obtained nine initial categories, according to Chart 6.

Chart 6 Initial categories 

1: The school is a place of teaching learning. 2: The teaching knowledge comes from several sources, being the experience the main one to act in the profession. 3: The importance of continuing education, moments of study and exchanges of experience in the spaces and times of the school. 4: The pedagogical practice consists of diverse knowledge mobilized by teachers in the continuous action of the classroom. 5: Pibid as a key place for teaching learning in the initial training process. 6: The initial training does not account for offering the learning to the teacher, being necessary specific training processes, which articulate theoretical and practical elements 7: In initial training, extension activities are productive places for the constitution of teaching professionalism, promoters of didactic-pedagogical autonomy, reflection in action and human formation. 8: The teaching profession in the reality experienced in school, which is where the pedagogical practices are built and reconstructed. 9: The knowledge of experience are enriching sources of collaborative work, being shared, are formative to each other in school.

Source: Elaboration of the authors (2022).

With the initial categories, we move on to the exhaustive process of classifying the themes, which according to Creswell (2014, p. 151), “[...] are broad units of information consisting of several aggregated codes to form a common idea [...]”.

Thus, initial categories gave rise to the central category, the school as a place of teaching learning; and four subcategories: 1) in initial training, teaching, extension and research activities are productive learning spaces teaching and the constitution of teaching professionalism; 2) continuing education and moments of study and exchanges of experience in the spaces and times within the school are important for teaching learning; 3) the teaching profession is constituted in the reality experienced at school, which is where they are built and reconstruct the pedagogical practices; and 4) the teaching knowledge comes from various sources, being the knowledge of experience the main ones to work in the profession. They are formative when shared with others in school.

Finally, in the third stage, interpretation and representation of the data, presented below, we show the central category and the four subcategories, demonstrating the aspects evidenced by the research from 2017 to 2021 regarding the school as a place of teaching learning.

3.1 The school as a place of teaching learning

The emerging findings in the investigative course of production of this RSL reinforce the understanding of school as a place, par excellence, of teaching learning, where theory and practice are integrated. We clarify understanding the place as something that comes “[...] developing, or rather, performing itself in function of a culture/tradition/language/ habits that are its own, built throughout history [...]” (Carlos, 2007, p. 17), as,

[...] product of human relations, between men and nature, woven by social relations that take place at the level of the lived, which guarantees the construction of a network of meanings and senses that are woven by history and civilizing culture producing identity, where man is recognized because it is a place of life (Carlos, 2007, p. 29).

This place, as a school, is characterized by being a new place for teacher training, is a hybrid aimed at training, affirmation and public recognition of this professional. It is, as Nóvoa (2017) understands, a common home of training and profession: a place of encounter and articulation between the university, the school and public policies; a place of interlacing: aimed at the formation of the human being in a joint work on knowledge; a meeting place: valuing the knowledge of all, arising from school and university, in collaboration; a place of public action: knowledge of the social reality of those who participate in the school.

Thus, loaded with social relations and subjectivities, it is the school point of integration of theory and practice. It is important to pay attention here to the use of the terms theory and practice, as they are understood as present and inseparable from the pedagogical practice of teachers as agents of the educational process.

Following the review, we highlight the four subcategories emerged. The results of these four subcategories, then, confirm the school as a privileged place of teaching learning, in four aspects: in initial training, in the development of teaching activities, research and extension in cooperation with the school; in continuing education, when recognized the training needs of teachers; in reality experienced in school, where practices are reconstructed; and in shared experiential knowledge in the school environment.

3.1.1 In initial training, teaching, extension and research activities are productive places of teaching learning and constitution of teaching professionalism

The studies show that the articulation of the university tripod (teaching, research and extension) favors the construction and solidification of the knowledge/ knowledge of the teacher in the initial training. They point out this articulation as opportune for the constitution of teaching professionalism. We can mention, as examples, Figueira (2019), in which the action of initial training of undergraduate students in Physics of UFU from their experience as monitors in the Museum Fun with Science and Art (DICA), aimed at didactic autonomy reflection in action and expanded progressive perspectives of human formation; and Meira (2017), in which the pedagogical practice is built in the context of the Mathematics Subproject in High School of the Institutional Scholarship Program for Initiation to Teaching by the participating scholarship holders.

In this sense, we dialogue with Pimenta (2012) when he addresses the construction of knowledge in initial training. For the author, students when they arrive at university are not empty of experiences, but by the experiences of everyday school, experiences as a student, they know what it’s like to be a teacher. Those experiences, however, are not enough for the constitution of a professional identity and professionalization. It is necessary to reconsider the knowledge necessary for teaching in initial training, preparing the student for the exercise of his teaching activity. This process involves the construction of teacher identity in its dynamic and social character, considering that this identity is not something given, but a historical, cultural construction, which runs from one individual to another in a community, as is the case of considering the school as this social place.

The immersion of students in the activities in which teachers are assumed, as is the case of PIBID activities and the extensionist experience reported in museums, although still in “[...] processes of passage of students from their seeing the teacher as a student to their seeing themselves as a teacher [...]” (Pimenta, 2012, p. 21, emphasis added by the author).

The constitution of professionalism takes place, then, from autonomy acquired by future teachers, when they assume teaching processes, even if initial, acquiring habits, postures, understanding the specifics of the teaching work and identifying them, so that from reflection, they are always improving their practices and transform them into knowledge.

Let us see the sequence of this process that takes place throughout professional life, in school, in continuing education.

3.1.2 Continuing education and moments of study and exchanges of experience within the school are important to the learning of teaching

Regarding continuing education, the results show the school as a place conducive to training, from the perspective of teaching knowledge, through the emphasis given to it as an environment in which learning happens from the resolution of situational problems of the educational environment and through the relationships that are established with students, with peers and with all those involved in this exchange process.

Dionízio’s research (2019) brings evidence in relation to specific training practices that take into account the real learning needs of teachers in context, articulating theoretical and practical elements, training that starts from the real need of the classroom, being more desirable to learning for teaching, especially when initial training or self-training do not cope with this task.

On this analysis, Galindo (2007) states that the real learning needs in continuing education, when considered, are drivers of the success of training, as they enable the effective participation of teachers in the analysis of contextual problems of teaching and even serve as an instrument that raise the participation of training actions in school, training initiatives in which there is an agent responsible for thinking about the training offered.

As much as there are different interests involved in the institution, such as institutional, professional and personal teachers, when they refer to continuing education, the distance tends to decrease as spaces more democratic and participatory in the definition of educational objectives and in the processes of teacher training (Galindo, 2007).

Therefore, we argue that continuing education should be aligned with the professional and contextual needs of teachers so that there is a real change in classroom practices. From this, we also see that the emphasis on living in school is of extreme significance for reconstruction of pedagogical practices and is what we will address in the category below.

3.1.3 The teaching profession is constituted in the reality experienced in school, which is where the pedagogical practices are built and reconstructed

In this subcategory, we observe from the studies of Wisch (2020) that it is in school, in coexistence and practices, that the teacher will be constituted in the teaching activity. In this place, they learn, share strategies, reflections, build and rebuild a set of knowledge throughout their lives, which allows them to overcome difficulties and adapt to the most diverse pedagogical situations and constitute their repertoire of theoretical and practical knowledge in constant development.

This idea leads us to understand the exercise of teaching work as a decisive part of the production process of professionalism and, therefore, indispensable the experience of every teacher. This statement happens because for a long time the scientific knowledge, technological knowledge, training decontextualized in initial training, a practice that aimed at the subsequent transfer to professional practice. But this view is reductive of the teaching professional practice, because the classroom is surrounded by uncertainties, complexities and therefore, it is only by experiencing it that one can assume the certainties of each context, being impossible to build ready recipes in training laboratories, which do not consider reality (Canário, 1998).

In addition, as Canário (1998) states, it is necessary to value the notions of subject, experience and context in the process of teaching professionalization, in view of at least four fundamental dimensions: perspective of recycling in teacher training and move towards the recognition of knowledge experientially acquired; get out of the idea of qualification as school certifications (cumulative character) and meet the skills that are produced in school context; get out of individual training for collective training of the educational body; and finally, produce changes in training and identity, aiming to reinvent new forms of professional socialization in schools.

Deepening this issue of subject, experience and context, the next category addresses teaching knowledge as an important source for research and reflection.

3.1.4 The teaching knowledge comes from various sources, being the knowledge of experience the main one to act in the profession. Are formative when shared with others in school

This subcategory stands out for covering most studies. The first aspect of this category suggests that knowledge comes from several sources: school education, professional performance (Costa, 2020), and the experience is the main source of findings (Correia, 2017; Nonato, 2020).

Tardif (2014, p. 36) states that teaching knowledge is “[...] a plural knowledge, formed by the more or less coherent amalgam of knowledge from professional training and disciplinary, curricular and experiential knowledge.” The knowledge of professional training is knowledge that is intended for the teacher’s scientific training and pedagogical knowledge; disciplinary knowledge is the social knowledge established by the university in the form of disciplines; curricular knowledge, discourses, objectives, contents, and methods presented by the school institution; and experiential knowledge, specific knowledge, produced in everyday practice, from individual and collective experience.

From this knowledge, the knowledge of experience is the main source to act in the profession, because as knowledge of the teacher’s unique domain and produced by them, it is these knowledge that comes from the certainties that will become habitus of the profession: teaching style, personality traits, profession tricks, knowledge and personal and professional know-how validated by daily work (Tardif, 2014).

Expanding the understanding of these experiential knowledge, the second aspect of this subcategory shows that the sharing of experiences produced in the classroom provides teacher training (Nascimento, 2021). In this way, we see the importance of sharing the experiences of experiential knowledge, because it is the moment to share successful practices, not successful, affections, potentialities, which produces a discourse of experience capable of training other teachers.

In this sense, according to Ferreira et al. (2023), there is teaching learning through the construction of knowledge that occurs in the sharing between an experienced teacher and a beginner teacher, in an action of advice, support and monitoring. Thus, from the perspective of learning by sharing, knowledge in the various phases of the career as a possibility for the construction of new knowledge, being the school the place that best provides the model of collaborative work between peers.

4 Final considerations

The objective of this Systematic Literature Review study is to explain what the researches from 2017 to 2021 show in relation to school as a place of learning. The results pointed to the school as a privileged place of teaching learning, in four aspects, represented by four subcategories in the study.

The choice to adopt a protocol and conduct the RSL using search strategies, was due to the understanding of the importance of methodologies that are explicit and reduce as much as possible the bias of the research in the type review, other researchers (Galvão; Ricarte, 2020). Moreover, with the adoption of methodologically planned steps, the chances of identifying relevant studies and excluding irrelevant ones are higher, especially when applying quality criteria.

Regarding the teaching knowledge, the trend worked among the studies raised, we understand that it is relevant in the field of teacher training and that collaborates in the investigation of topics considered essential in this field. In addition, we can say that discussions within the trend do not end with years, but advance and become more complex, opening spaces for more studies, in order to identify each year at least one new study defended and more knowledge generated in this trend.

With regard to the guiding question of this review, the results led us to affirm the school as a place par excellence of teaching learning, but it cannot be assured as the only place of learning for the teacher, because there are other places to be recognized, such as for example, learning communities1, online mentoring programs2, institutions not institutions and still different places of life3. In this sense, we understand that there are other discussions about teacher learning in micro places (classroom), meso (contexts that influence) and macro (society), advancing in other lines different from that adopted in this survey.

We highlight the school as the place par excellence of teaching learning because we understand it as a meeting point for overcoming the duality theory and practice, as a place for critical reflection on one’s own experience in direct contact with the diversity of segments of society, after all, “Nothing better than to perceive the school as this space of dialogue, place of exchanges to sediment knowledge that emerge from the different moments of professional practice” (Vellenich et al., 2017, p. 174, our emphasis).

The moments of collective learning, exchanges and reflections, greatly emphasized in the findings of the studies, help to think about proposals of learning communities and the possible paths for the implementation of this school culture, and for this, there needs to be creation of groups and times reflection and sharing meetings. We recognize, however, from the studies, that changes in school culture such as these are not easy to implement and run into common problems of Brazilian schools: lack of adequate training of teachers, lack of time for sharing experiences, lack of and investments in public education, as well as in public policies in general.


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1L. Shulman and J. Shulman (2016) discuss a proposal for Learning Communities for teachers in different contexts.

2Ferreira et al. (2023) describe an Online Mentoring Program of UESB, worked in a process of teaching induction, in which there were exchanges of experiences between mentors (experienced teachers) and beginners teachers, through virtual meetings. The activities contributed to the promotion of teacher learning.

3Sarmento (2013) discusses the personal and professional life contexts of teachers as places that influence learning in the profession.

Ad hoc experts: Flavia Caimi and Débia Sousa

Received: June 23, 2023; Accepted: August 25, 2023; Published: September 30, 2023

Jordane Lima Dias Oliveira, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará (IFPA)

PhD student in Technological Education from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Amazonas (IFAM), master in Professional and Technological Education from the same institute and graduated in Literature - Portuguese and Spanish from Escola Superior Madre Celeste (Esmac). Professor at IFPA - Belém Campus.



Augusto José Savedra Lima, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas (IFAM)

PhD student in Technological Education in Amazonas from IFAM, master in Technological Education from the same institute, specialist in Portuguese Language and Literature from Faculdade Integrada do Brasil (Faibra) and degree in Literature - Portuguese Language from the State University of Amazonas (UEA). Teacher of Basic, Technical and Technological Education (EBTT) at IFAM.



Rosa Oliveira Marins Azevedo, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas (IFAM)

PhD in Science and Mathematics Education from the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), master's degree in Science Teaching from the State University of Amazonas (UEA), specialist in Psychopedagogy and Higher Education Methodology from the Federal University of Rondônia (UNIR) and graduated in Pedagogy from the Niteroiense Faculty of Education, Letters and Tourism. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Technological Education at IFAM.



Responsible editor:

Lia Machado Fiuza Fialho


Rosangela Telma de Jesus

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