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Educação & Formação

versão On-line ISSN 2448-3583


SPRICIGO, Fabrício  e  MARTINS FILHO, Lourival José. Epistemological foundations of the Santa Catarina Movement for Education: unveiling the assumptions of formation for the 21st century. Educ. Form. [online]. 2023, vol.8, e9153.  Epub 18-Jul-2023. ISSN 2448-3583.

The study, of a documentary and bibliographic nature, it is linked to the discussion between Educational Policies and Teacher Training. Seeks to know the epistemological foundations of the Santa Catarina Movement for Education, which brings together a set of actions under the leadership of the main business associations in Santa Catarina. It addresses the philosophical-scientific foundation that sustains the movement. To capture its epistemological basis, it uses as a methodology the selection and analysis (anchored in the dialectical method) of the main materials available on the movement's website until the year 2021. The categories that emerge from the research are: Information and Knowledge Society, Theory of Human Capital, Competence and Neuroscience. It is concluded that Education within the movement is emblematic to adapt society to the new civilization parameters. In this context, training submitted to the market acquires centrality with regard to 21st century schooling, especially for the adaptation of individuals adjusted to the world of flexible work.

Palavras-chave : Santa Catarina for Education; marketplace; competence; neuroscience.

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