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Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas)

versão impressa ISSN 1414-4077versão On-line ISSN 1982-5765

Avaliação (Campinas) vol.28  Sorocaba  2023  Epub 26-Jun-2023 


The intersection between gender and human rights Education in knowledge production (2015-2020)

4Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro | Rio de Janeiro | RJ | Brasil. E-mail: | Orcid:

5Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro | Rio de Janeiro | RJ | Brasil. E-mail: | Orcid:

6Universidade Estadual do Pernambuco | Recife | PE | Brasil. E-mail: | Orcid:


Education is a tool that transforms social relations. Thus, understanding how knowledge is constructed in the intersection that is made with discussions on Human Rights Education and gender allows us to have a more civil society that respects the differences between individuals. About this, the general objective of this study comes from the analysis the production of knowledge that intersects Human Rights Education and gender in Brazilian Graduate Programs. As a specific objective we map the productions about gender issues intersected with Human Rights education in Postgraduate Programs in Brazil and reflect on the gender category in the production of knowledge in the area of Human Rights education. For this we will use the collection of the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, understanding the time lapse that comprises the years 2015 to 2020, a period where there was a more conservative discourse about these issues. Furthermore, the research seeks to understand in which Programs and lines of research this intersection is more evident. The methodology used is based on the dialectical method, with a qualitative approach, being the type of bibliographic exploratory and descriptive research with documental data collection, and data analysis, that of content.

Keywords: human rights education; gender; graduate studies


A educação é ferramenta que transforma as relações sociais. Assim, compreender como se dá a construção do conhecimento na intersecção que se perfaz com as discussões sobre Educação em Direitos Humanos e gênero faz com que tenhamos uma sociedade mais cidadã e que respeite as diferenças entre os sujeitos. Acerca disso, o objetivo geral deste estudo parte da análise da produção do conhecimento que intersecciona a Educação em Direitos Humanos e gênero nos Programas de Pós-Graduação brasileiros. Como objetivos específicos, visamos mapear as produções sobre as questões de gênero interseccionadas com a Educação em Direitos Humanos nos Programas de Pós-Graduação no Brasil; e refletir sobre a categoria gênero na produção de conhecimento na área da Educação em Direitos Humanos. Para isso, nos utilizaremos do acervo da Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações, compreendendo o lapso temporal relacionado aos períodos de 2015 a 2020, momento em que houve a ascensão do discurso conservador acerca dessas temáticas. Além disso, a pesquisa busca perceber em quais Programas e linhas de pesquisa tal intersecção se apresenta de maneira mais contundente. A metodologia utilizada parte do método dialético, com abordagem qualitativa, sendo o tipo de pesquisa de cunho bibliográfico, exploratório e descritivo, com coleta de dados documentais e análise de conteúdo.

Palavras-chave: educação em direitos humanos; gênero; pós-graduação


La educación es una herramienta que transforma las relaciones sociales. Así, entender cómo se construye el conocimiento en la intersección que se hace con las discusiones sobre Educación en Derechos Humanos y género nos permite tener una sociedad más cívica y respetuosa de las diferencias entre los sujetos. Sobre esto, el objetivo general de este estudio parte del análisis de la producción de conocimiento que cruza la Educación en Derechos Humanos y el género en los Programas de Postgrado brasileños. Como objetivo específico, mapeamos las producciones sobre cuestiones de género cruzadas con la educación en derechos humanos en los programas de postgrado en Brasil y reflexionamos sobre la categoría de género en la producción de conocimiento en el área de la educación en derechos humanos. Para ello utilizaremos la colección de la Biblioteca Digital Brasileña de Tesis y Disertaciones, comprender el lapso de tiempo que comprende los años 2015 a 2020, período en el que hubo un discurso más conservador sobre estos temas. Además, la investigación busca percibir en qué Programas y líneas de investigación se presenta esta intersección de manera más contundente. La metodología utilizada parte del método dialéctico, con un enfoque cualitativo, siendo el tipo de investigación exploratoria bibliográfica y descriptiva con recogida de datos documentales, y el análisis de datos, el de contenido

Palavras clave: educación en derechos humanos; género; postgrado

1 Introduction

Human Rights Education (HRE) is relevant because it stands as a process that guides the formation of subjects of rights, through the affirmation of a citizen conscience by strengthening social practices in favor of the defense and promotion of human rights.

It is necessary to remember that Human Rights Education can be considered recent in Brazil. It emerged during the process of re-democratization that started at the end of the 1980s, marked by the need to educate the individuals, and coincides with the critical and global project towards the awareness of the real meaning of the recent processes of human rights violations and, equally, about the social struggles in the face of such processes. To inform/educate the different individuals, to give a foundation for their ideologies of freedom/equality, means, therefore, to guarantee democracy, thus showing the importance of HRE during the process of re-democratization of the country and in the consolidation of democracy.

Thus, the debate on human diversity and the discussions of gender act, in dialogue with HRE, against binarisms, such as right and wrong, normal and pathological, which end up providing the basis for new forms of violence and contribute to the systematic marginalization of vulnerable groups. In this historical framework, the language of human rights and diversity represents the search for a society that is less intolerant of differences.

In this sense, the guiding question of the reflections outlined here is synthesized from the following question: to what extent the production of knowledge intersects education in human rights and gender in Brazilian Graduate Programs? To answer the research problem, the general objective consists in: analyze to what extent the production of knowledge intersects education in human rights and gender in Brazilian Graduate Programs. The following specific objectives were also established: identify the scientific production on gender issues intersecting with human rights education in Brazilian graduate programs and reflect on the gender category in the production of knowledge in the area of human rights education.

It is in the perspective of contributing to discussions that intersect gender and human rights education that this research is conducted, aiming to dimension the symbiosis between these two fields and promote a relevant agenda on respecting human diversity.

The methodological approach adopted is based on what is known as the state of the art, or state of knowledge, which is a technique aimed at mapping certain issues in specific fields of knowledge. This technique also presents the challenge of understanding the patterns that a certain field of knowledge creates (FERREIRA, 2002). Here, the present proposal is to map the research on education in human rights and gender so that it is possible to perceive which Post-graduation Programs have been dedicated to the discussions and from which lines of research they are placed, that is, in what specific way and which movements have constructed the research on human rights and gender.

The qualitative approach is used so that we could understand the senses and meanings of the research; the type of research adopted is bibliographic-exploratory and descriptive, with the intention of connecting the stage of the state of knowledge on education in human rights and gender. The data collection is documental in nature (GIL, 2009) and took place from the collection of the Brazilian Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD). We listed the years 2015 to 2020, using the terms "education", "gender" and "human rights", seeking to trace the research carried out at the master's and doctoral levels in Brazilian universities. To conduct the study, we analyzed the materials based on some areas of knowledge, namely: Human Sciences, Applied Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary.

2 The production of knowledge in the humanities

The production of knowledge about HRE and gender in the area of Human Sciences in Brazil is strongly marked by the contributions of educational research. The work of Silva (2015), conducted in the Master's Program in Education at the Federal University of Paraíba, named "Analysis of the Brazilian scientific production on gender relations in early childhood education", is an example and draws a picture about the discussions on gender in early childhood education, realizing that gender is the first division that is presented to the individuals and that this debate, in early childhood education, is oriented to understand how gender relations take place in this school context.

In the same sense, Santos (2015b), presents a race-oriented perspective related to traditional peoples - quilombolas -. It highlights how young high school students understand gender, based on interviews with people who identified themselves as female and male.The author traces the perception about the fight for the recognition of quilombola lands, stating that young people, research participants, did not present such a trait of involvement with the community and about gender, they were mostly connected to roles historically attributed to feminine and masculine. The work, carried out at the Federal University of Mato Grosso - UFMG, in the Masters in Education, is called: "Gender and environment labyrinth: dialogues with some young quilombolas from the Mata Cavalo community".

"Childhood memories, gender relations and sexuality in the meanings and narratives of teachers", produced by Cespedes (2015), also at UFMG and in the Master's in Education, describes understandings about the difficulty of education professionals to work on the themes of gender and sexuality in early childhood education, because they are not provided in the Political Pedagogical Projects. The author interviews four teachers and confirms the importance of discussing these themes in formal education as a way to overcome the binary and traditional discourse in this field.

In the Master's in Science Teaching, at the University of Brasilia, Pena (2015) presents a study about the narratives of teachers to think about sex education and how sexuality constitutes the individual. The results obtained in the research, "Autobiographical narratives and training of sex educators," identify that notions of prohibition and sin are constant and that students' parents are resistant to discussions of this nature, in addition to institutional problems with their respective schools.

At the University of São Paulo, in the PhD in Education, the research "Equality and differences in education policies: the agenda of diversity in Lula and Dilma governments", written by Carreira (2015), addresses the diversity policies in education that were envisioned in Lula and Dilma governments, and what concerns such policies. In addition to documentary analysis, the research highlights interviews with public managers and civil society activists, noticing various inequalities experienced by subjects and how the agendas proposed by the governments promote a better perspective in education and, also, for human rights. The group of dissertations analyzed previously indicates the tonic of studies on HRE and gender in graduate studies: they are studies linked to training for diversity, related, above all, to institutional spheres.

In his thesis, Santos (2015a), discusses homosexuality when it is experienced in the school environment and the prejudice, discrimination and opposition that surround this scenario.The author refers to the participants as "elderly homosexuals" and conducts interviews to reach the objectives of the study. The research is named "Paths and trajectories of schooling of elderly homosexuals in the city of Belem",conducted at the Federal University of Pará, in the scope of the Master's Degree in Education, and is marked by the sensibility that the writing of the study raises.

The production of Rizza (2015), a thesis presented in the context of the Master's Degree in Environmental Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande, reflects on the need for mandatory and/or optional disciplines in higher education on sexuality, considering the discussions on the concern for the planet, human rights education and sexuality in this formative stage. It understands that educational policies have been conducting a dialogue about diversity and difference and that their effects insert sexuality in a significant field of higher education.

The aforementioned theses are accompanied by the discussion proposed by Gomes (2016) in the dissertation, defended in the Education Program at UFPB and entitled "Human rights, education, and LGBT citizenship: an analysis of the actions of Brazil without Homophobia Program in João Pessoa/PB." The research presents the scenario of rights of LGBT people and the recognition promoted by Brazil without Homophobia Program. The research setting is the city of João Pessoa-PB, where interviews with LGBT people, including activists and project coordinators, are conducted, realizing that the public policies that were executed were successful in recognizing the rights of these individuals and promoting diversity.

The issues involving the LGBT community are an important marker of the productions on HRE and gender in the field of Humanities. In "Closed Windows: the LGBT issue in the PNEDH 2014" Moreira (2016), in the Master's in Education at the Federal University of Paraná, relates that the country's educational policies are thought from a heterosexist perspective, causing LGBT people to be on the margins of discussions. Other issues are highlighted from the 2006 NHRIP and the text of the 2010 National Conference on Education, identifying that the text of the documents is weak regarding policies to combat inequality and school dropout of LGBT people.

Also linked to a dissertation coming from the area of Education, at the University Tuiuti of Paraná, the research undertaken by Souza (2016), entitled "The Brazilian educational policy in interface with sexual diversity in the period from 2003 to 2014" is concerned with, from interviews and analysis of plans and programs that guide the right to education for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites, transsexuals and transgender persons, in the time lapse from 2003 to 2014, to understand the nuances of policies aimed at themes of gender and education. The results that the author obtained point to the contradictory power relations, the construction of identities, and the respective hierarchy between them; observing how homophobia is present, even with educational advances achieved.

Teixeira (2016), from the research "Public policies for student assistance at the Instituto Federal Goiano - Câmpus Urutaí: a look at gender", in the Doctorate in Humanities at the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás, scales in the thesis the understanding of how the Public Policies for Student Assistance (PPSA) take form in the referred Federal Institute. Through interviews and questionnaires, the author traced the relationship with women on campus, identifying that the PPSA are significant for the empowerment of women, although inequalities between genders were also perceived, due to social stereotypes of roles attributed from gender.

The year 2016 also includes the study by Silva (2016), conducted at the Doctorate of Education at UFMG. The research examines how women deprived of freedom learned to write and read. The author noticed that the scenario presents tensions, due to the discipline in the prison environment, and that for women serving time, knowledge is linked to the mere remission of the sentence. Still, the lack of training of teachers to work in this context and the lack of support from educational agencies demarcates the field and the relationships established with women.

We can observe that, when it comes to the production of HRE and gender issues, the studies permeate, above all, issues concerning the guarantee of rights. In this sense, discussing the access of transgender people to higher education, Scote (2017) develops a dissertation, "Do we really have rights to the university? The challenge of access and permanence of transgender people in higher education", in the PPG of Education at the Federal University of São Carlos. The author perceives the difficulty for transgender people to enter higher education and that, when they succeed, their permanence is also marked by exclusions. As a result, he attests that the insertion of the social name, the National High School Exam (ENEM), the quota policy and other educational actions are fundamental for these subjects; another important fact is participation in social movements of transgender people allows them to give new meaning to the academic space they occupy.

Candeloni (2017) discusses the limits and possibilities of the debate on sexuality and gender in basic education based on the laws and educational policies, differences and overcoming the prejudices that are strongly present in this context. The author identifies the silencing and the fragile receptivity of teachers and school managers to such themes. The dissertation, defended within the Master's in Education at the Federal University of Santa Maria, adds to the set of texts that relate HRE and gender issues from the institutional challenges of this area.

Vasconcelos (2018), develops one of the few researches linked to Professional PPGs. Also related to Education, in the PPG in Education: Training for Educators of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, the study analyzes the teacher training of professionals from two municipal elementary schools in São Paulo through a critical and collaborative survey with questionnaires. It emphasizes that this is a reality in dispute and that it is possible to have a training directed towards gender issues and intersectionalities that brings about changes, but for this, it understands that teacher training is the indicated path. .

"The controversy over the inclusion of gender and sexuality in the education plans of Paraná" is a dissertation defended in the PPG in Social Sciences of the State University of Londrina by Rocha (2018). The study seeks to understand the power relations and the influence of the religious movement in the State Education Plans in the city of Ponta Grossa, Paraná, through a documentary analysis. It concluded that the debate became expressive that year, regarding the intersection between religious moralities and Brazilian public life, under the empty argument of the risks that gender debates, in theory, would bring to society.

Also related to the discussion on public policy, the dissertation by Marola (2018), entitled "Gender and the National Education Plan in Brazil: education for all?", investigates the dispute around the category gender and its implications on changes in the NEP 2014, through a document analysis research. Like other studies already mentioned, it emphasizes that the discussion of gender removal in the NEP adduces to broader disputes in which dominant groups articulate themselves to assert power discourses, also from the moral reflection on gender as a threat. The dissertation, defended in the PPG in Human Development and Technologies of the Universidade Estadual Paulista, is one of the few researches linked to the Interdisciplinary.

Alves (2018), author of the dissertation presented in the PPG in Sex Education of the Universidade Estadual Paulista, through a research with elementary school administrators of public schools in the countryside of São Paulo, shows how the professionals, in their speeches, add the themes of human rights, gender and sexuality. The research concludes on the fragile depth of interventions carried out by the management regarding the related themes, mainly due to the lack of knowledge of the subject.

The formative aspects for diversity, as mentioned, are the focus of the studies surveyed. And, equally recurrent is the relationship of research with women, reflecting gender issues. Galvão (2018), in the thesis presented in the Graduate Program in Education: Curriculum, at PUC-SP, presents a field research with 10 women from different professional areas, having carried out the analysis of how the higher education curriculum suggests (or not) the formation for female empowerment.The conclusion is that the curriculum in question should be designed as a social practice of curricular justice for the empowerment of women, especially in the struggle for their rights.

Two other studies focus on the condition of women. They are: "Trajectory of women with disabilities in higher education: barriers and possibilities", dissertation presented by Torres (2018) and held in the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Santa Maria, in which the author dialogues with female students with disabilities in the university in order to investigate how higher education enables processes of female autonomy in social, cultural and political aspects. And “Maternity in the UFSM students' house: challenges and achievements of the students' mothers living in the CEU”, by Pletiskaitz (2018),dissertation presented to the PPG of Education at UFSM, in which young academics and mothers are heard in order to understand how women reconcile their social roles and how this process impacts the access to the right to higher and public education. The author deals with autobiographical narratives from which the author cogitates the inequality of opportunities and the different levels of difficulties of access to public educational policies for academic mothers.

On the other hand, the study of Almeida (2018), "Contributions of Marcela Lagarde's Latin American feminist theory to non-sexist education", presented in the scope of the PPG in Contemporary Education of the Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE, relates how the feminist thought of Marcela Lagarde can contribute to the deepening of the discussion on non-sexist education, in a feminist research methodology. The results of the research point to the feminist paradigm as a theoretical support for non-sexist education and the contribution of Marcela Lagarde's thought for education and the fight around gender issues.

The study developed by Silva (2019) in the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Goiás, was conducted in the Specialized Reference Center for Social Assistance (CREAS) of Anápolis through semi-structured interviews with professionals who work in that space. It analyzes the comprehension of the professionals about the selected problems related to gender issues. It attests that the professionals still find it difficult to deal with gender issues in childhood, and what is seen as "masculine" is judged in a superior position in relation to the representation of the feminine gender.

"Sexual diversity and gender: a look at the discourses surrounding the educational practice of teachers at EE Ary Leite Pereira",dissertation presented by Scherrer (2019), in the Master's in Education at the Federal University of São Carlos, aims to analyze the discourses present in the environment of a school on issues of gender and sexual diversity. Through historical-dialectical materialism and a research script, the need for continued training for education professionals on issues of gender and sexual diversity is perceived.

A feature of studies related to the area of Human Sciences, the dissertation presented to the PPG in Education at the Paulista State University by Ramos (2019), named "Education for gender relations in elementary school I (1996-2017)", of bibliographic and documentary nature, investigates the curriculum guidelines on education for gender relations in elementary school I between 1996 and 2017. The research understands that the curriculum is a space of ideological dispute and that from 1990 on, there was an advance of the increment of human rights and gender in the curriculum. However, from 2011 on, there was a decrease in the insertions and, in 2017, education for gender equality was extinguished from the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC).

Neves (2019), in the thesis "Images and discourses on gender violence towards women: the hallways of a Law School as a place of production/transformation of the curriculum," presented at the PPG in Education at the Federal University of Pelotas, investigates the meanings surrounding the fact that students at the Law School of that university produced images of combating gender violence and displayed them in the hallways of the institution.The research analyzed the images and their elements through critical discourse analysis and Social Discourse Theory and concluded that the students adopted the institution's hallways as a space for curriculum transformation in the fight against gender violence, considering that such space was configured as the only possible environment for the placement.

In "Education and gender in the São Paulo prison system," a thesis defended by Batista (2019) at the Graduate Program in Education of the Paulista State University, a women's prison unit in the countryside of São Paulo is surveyed and in dialogue with 10 women in a situation of deprivation of liberty. The research reflected on education for women based on four intertwined elements: law, education, gender, and punishment. It highlights the contradictions to the assurance of human rights and the access to education for women who are in the prison system.

At the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in the PPG in Science Education, Noro (2019) presents a research with teachers of Municipal Elementary Schools of Farroupilha and seeks to qualify the concepts involving gender content through stigmatized expressions and with the contribution of neuroscience levels of analysis. The results indicate that the contributions of neuroscience to the demystification of gender and sexual diversity issues favor the understanding of biological sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression.

Callé (2020), from his dissertation presented at the PPG in Education at the Universidade Estadual Paulista, using a documental approach, went into a full-time municipal school of the first cycle of elementary education in the city of Marília, São Paulo, to understand the formation of teachers on human rights and gender. The results of the research show that the teachers of this school have only simplistic notions about these rights and gender issues, that they use words and expressions that are distant from scientific productions and official documents that address the themes.

Also related to education for diversity, the dissertation by Nunes (2020), entitled "Gender and sexuality in history classes: compositions for an antinormative curriculum", in the context of the Professional PPG in History Teaching at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, articulates questionnaires and observations of members of the TransENEM group of Porto Alegre in order to think ways and possibilities of an antinormative history curriculum. The study directs conceptual instruments to provide support for the proposals of an anti-normative curriculum to be used in History classes in basic education, with attention to the themes of education in and for human rights.

In the context of the PPG in Education of the State University of Ponta Grossa, the dissertation "'From devoted mother and wife to the modest teacher, worker and citizen of rights': representations of women and their education in the Diário dos Campos in the 1920s/1930s", authored by Campagnoli (2020), analyzes the representations of women and their education in the newspaper "Diário dos Campos", centennial periodical of the city of Ponta Grossa, Paraná, in the 1920s and 1930s. It is a documental analysis that indicates, on one hand, the movement of women in search of new rights and, on the other hand, the representations of women and their education linked to family care and the teaching profession.

Fachini (2020) developed the thesis "Sexuality, gender and education in public policies of the municipality of Campinas-SP: social movements, educational projects and legal matrices in dispute (1988-2015)", from the PPG in Education at the State University of Campinas, as a bibliographical-historical study that interprets and criticizes the approach to sexuality, gender and education in the educational policies of Campinas-SP, between 1990 and 2015. The research perceives the conservative history and proposes to overcome it by humanizing sexual diversity pedagogy and suggests conditions for a dialectic and critical debate in order to amplify the understanding about the conceptual issues linked to gender issues.

Finally, the analysis of the production related to the area of Human Sciences refers to the dissertation by Guimarães (2020), defended at the PPG in Education of the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais. The research considers the concept of the right to school education from the perspective of the right to difference and issues of gender and sexuality. It is a qualitative, bibliographic-exploratory research that concludes that the right to school education raises paths to affirm the status of equal freedom in the state sphere, in order to strengthen democratic coexistence and address issues of gender and sexuality.

The research developed in the area of Human Sciences highlights the reflections on gender(s) in interface, above all, with the sub area of Education. Still, the core of the study objects problematize the successive setbacks and attacks during the last decades, the rise of moral-conservative discourses and the centrality of dissertations and thesis in discussing the condition of women and the LGBT population in schools and universities, especially. Such research raises reflections on gender(s), gender identities and social roles in intersection with the demand for respect for human rights.

3 The production of knowledge in the area of applied social sciences

Regarding the research mapped and referring to the Applied Social Sciences, the research conducted by Araújo (2015), in the PPG in Human Rights at the Federal University of Goiás, entitled "Gender and education: a study on the knowledge produced in the initial formation of teachers", perceives how the debate about gender is presented in the formation of teachers of Biological Sciences, Physical Education, Mathematics and Pedagogy courses. Using semi-structured interviews, it emphasizes the discrepancy about what the research participants understand by gender, generally related to biological factors, as well as the resistance to insert the debate during the formation of teachers, once there is no systematization of the theme in the courses' Pedagogical Projects.

On the other hand, from the analysis of an audiovisual production, Barros (2015) organizes the dissertation entitled "The strategies of redefinition in the analysis of the triad gender, education and culture in the context of the film Freedom Writers", with the PPG in Social Service of the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás with a view to identifying the need to think about how social relations can build new meanings for a more just society. It understands that the film points to discussions about gender, education and culture, enabling other political meanings of the themes, especially about women's education, the idea of democracy and citizenship.

The discussion held by Moreno (2016), at the PPG in Social Sciences of the State University of Londrina, which was entitled "Feminisms and anti feminism in Brazilian politics: 'gender ideology' in the 2014 National Education Plan", reflects on the 2014 National Education Plan, specifically in reference to the terms gender and sexuality/sexual orientation. The author starts from the hypothesis of the reticence to feminism, when it comes to its discourses. The author understands that there are advances in education policies and the participation of society in the construction of the Plan, important for the debate on gender, even in the face of groups opposed to the discussion.

Macedo (2017), within the PPG in Human Rights and Citizenship at UnB, develops research entitled "Being and becoming: girls and boys in childhood gender socializations", and discusses how gender classifies individuals and seeks to understand how children internalize debates about gender at school and in their families. Through interviews and field observation, the author identifies that children absorb heteronormative discourses about the difference between men and women, which end up reflecting in their first habits and social relationships, such as the school environment.

It is within the PPG in Human Rights, Citizenship and Public Policy at UFPB that Torres (2017), based on the dissertation "Human rights education and the debate on gender in the public basic education system of Cajazeiras - PB: a study on the ineffectiveness of municipal public policies in education", problematizes how the school is a space that reinforces oppressive and excluding discourses, especially towards women and LGBT people. Based on interviews with representatives of the Legislative and Executive branches, as well as with teachers, it identifies the fragility of debates on gender and the lack of strengthening of policies in this field.

At the Federal University of Goiás, also in a PPG in Human Rights, Pereira (2017) develops the research "Gender identities and sexuality in the view of parliamentarians of the Federal House of Representatives: a discourse analysis from the 'school without party' projects". The researcher uses discourse analysis to understand the speeches of parliamentarians on human rights of people who escape the heteronormative standard, especially within the movement called "escola sem partido". The results point to a perspective on human rights that is prejudiced, sexist, patriarchal, and conservative, which limits the spaces considered democratic, such as the school.

With the purpose of understanding the pedagogical practices developed in a state public school, by the Center for Gender Studies and Confrontation of Violence against Women, Jacob (2017), presents with the PPG in Human Rights of UFPE an investigation on the pursuit of gender equality. The author identifies that, although there is a lack of teacher training, there is a certain re-signification of the school environment based on the strategies used by the center to be seen as a place to receive complaints about rights violations and to advocate for diversity in the school environment.

The dissertation "Right to literature as a human right: science fiction literature written by women in a perspective of human rights education", by Miranda (2019), submitted to the Graduate Program in Human Rights and Citizenship at UnB, understands the relationship between the right to literature, human rights education and gender issues from the representation of female science fiction authors. The study shows that the representation of women in literature is fundamental to make visible and challenge the structure of oppression and marginalization that are imposed on women.

Rocha Junior (2019) based on the dissertation "Freedom of expression and academic freedom for education on gender and sexual diversity", presented in the Master's degree program in Law at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, identifies repressive strategies against gender and sexual education in schools as a form of censorship. The proposed approach, the analysis of the federal veto of the School without Homophobia Project, leads to conclusions that indicate that such phobia towards sexual and gender issues constitutes a process of marginalization and creates another individual, without conditions to enjoy rights and guarantees, which is configured as a subordinate person.

Thus, the research presented in this knowledge area comes mainly from PPGs in the subarea of Law and Human Rights. They point to the importance of specific Graduate Programs in human rights and which have discussions about gender and diversity. The variety of spaces for socialization and the emphasis on the possibility of strategies that suggest other ways of thinking about the formation of individuals is an important aspect present in the studies surveyed.

4 The production of knowledge in the interdisciplinary area

The category that involves research related to the Interdisciplinary area, based on the study of Sousa (2018), from the dissertation "Gender and sexuality from the perspective of Biology teachers of the state education system in the municipality of Aparecida de Goiânia" indicates the presence of the recently created Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs in Human Rights in Brazil, such as the one located at the Federal University of Goiás. The results of the research in question show a scenario of conservatism and regression regarding the discussion of gender issues, where teachers do not have training for the debate and or are aware of public policies that help them in this journey.

On the other hand, Sousa (2019), in the PPG in Metaphysics at the University of Brasilia, from the dissertation named "Metaphysics of substance and gender identity: a reading of philosophy textbooks", highlights the analysis of philosophy textbooks, approved by the National Textbook Program for public schools, as to the construction and promotion of new views for the themes "philosophy and women", interfacing between Philosophy and Education. It concludes on the difference of treatment of the feminine presence, from a reproduction of the metaphysics of the non-affirmed substance, in the didactic texts of the Philosophy textbooks for High School.

The study entitled "Gender and history teaching: the experience in classrooms to reflect on the construction of the curriculum", by Schneider (2019), presented at the PPG in History of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, is related to a ninth grade class in high school and connects the discussion of documents in order to analyze the process of curriculum organization on the work of the concept of gender and curriculum as historical categories. In the research, the author points out that working with a perspective of curriculum under construction for gender issues, in history classes, contributes for students to change some of the characteristics attributed to gender and reflect on the theme in question.

Likewise, in "Sexual and gender diversity in English classes: the formation of critical citizens in a context of social vulnerability", Ferreira (2020) presents, in the context of the PPG in Language Studies at the State University of Londrina, an investigation that reflects the links between foreign language teaching and issues of sexual and gender diversity in an NGO that assists young people in situations of social vulnerability in Londrina, Paraná. The qualitative and interpretive approach suggests that there are new possibilities for dealing with issues related to gender and sexuality in the classroom.

The assumptions made about the production of knowledge concerning the intersection between education in/for human rights and gender, in Brazilian PPG's, allude that the interdisciplinary area, the productions discuss thematic aspects from the Human and Applied Sciences. They are also aimed at reflecting on non-formal education spaces, on the political and curricular dynamics of the themes, as well as on the teachers' view and the teaching materials that circulate in these spaces. There is, therefore, a concern about how gender studies are developed in these spaces and how they should be articulated with the formation process and practice.

5 Final Considerations

The analysis of the production of knowledge that intersects human rights education and gender, in Brazilian Postgraduate Programs, suggests that the survey of productions on the themes is marked by the predominance of investigations linked to Education and interdisciplinary formative spaces on human rights.

Furthermore, it is possible to highlight that the analysis of the period between 2015 and 2020 points to the fact that research is mostly developed by women, at the master's level. Moreover, Post-graduate Programs in Education, at the master's level, concentrate the discussions from the analysis of formal educational processes, from the view on the condition of women and LGBT people in education and on the didactic and pedagogical resources employed to discuss education, gender, and human rights.

We also found that the production of knowledge is mostly and geographically set in the South region of the country. This element refers to the search for a decentralized academic production on gender and education in/for human rights in universities and PPGs in other regions of Brazil, outside the southeastern region, taking into account that Brazilian themes should be widespread and disseminated from experiences in other territories.

The huge drop in production in 2020 is related to the worldwide pandemic of COVID-19. Many students and researchers lived through complex situations that certainly interfered directly in the production dynamics, especially for women. Besides the fact that, on the other hand, empirical research had to be suspended nationwide.

The production of knowledge, in the years 2015 to 2020, also points to the concern over the moral-conservative scenario regarding gender issues. And, when intersected with education in/for human rights, we notice a context marked by regressive discourse about these issues, which indicate the content of the political dispute that is taking place and growing in relevance in the national educational and post-graduation scenario. We identify this threat when it comes to studies with and about public policies, as well as in research carried out in institutions and other formative spaces.

The results of the present study emphasize the impact that events in the political field (from the transition from the coup against President Dilma Rousseff to the election of Jair Bolsonaro) have brought to the production of knowledge in the area of human rights education and gender issues. The present research concluded that the production of knowledge about gender issues has found important support in human rights education and the other way around, to increase epistemic and theoretical resistance to conservatism in Brazilian educational, political, and scientific spaces.

Créditos da tradução: Littbarski Áquila Valentim

Endereço eletrônico:


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Received: October 09, 2022; Accepted: June 13, 2023; Revised: June 19, 2023

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