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vol.30 número02Experiência urbana e conhecimento teatral: romper limites e ampliar espaçosArte com Nietzsche e Deleuze índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Educação e Realidade

versão impressa ISSN 0100-3143


LOPONTE, Luciana Gruppelli. Gênero, educação e docência nas artes visuais. Educ. Real. [online]. 2005, vol.30, n.02, pp.243-259. ISSN 0100-3143.

This article examines the relationship between gender, visual arts and education, highlighting the importance of the theme and its virtual absence in art and education research in Brazil. The objective of this study is to situate the discussion about the theme, starting from existing publications, and also to pose new questions and present authors who can contribute to new research efforts in the field. Focusing especially on art teachers’ training, this article presents some approaches and possible problematizations that can lead us to look at art teaching from other viewpoints: the myth of artistic genius and the “creative teacher” and the possible relations between gender, art teaching and power.

Palavras-chave : Gender and Education; Visual Arts Teaching; Teacher Training.

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