Serviços Personalizados
Educação e Realidade
versão impressa ISSN 0100-3143versão On-line ISSN 2175-6236
SANTOS, Edmilson Santos; VELLOSO, Tatiana Ribeiro; NACIF, Paulo Gabriel Soledade e SILVA, Givania. Offer of Schools of Quilombola School Education Center in the Northeast/BR. Educ. Real. [online]. 2019, vol.44, n.1, e81346. ISSN 2175-6236.
The present study aims to present an overview of the implantation of Quilombola Schools (EEEQ) in the Northeast Region. Three aspects have been analyzed: (a) distribution of EEEQ by state and populational class in the Northeast region; (b) identification of the relation among communities self-defined as quilombolas, certified by the Palmares Cultural Foundation, and EEEQ offers; (c) analysis of enrolments in EEEQ. As it has been detected in previous studies, conflicting and unreliable information produced by the State foster the continuity of practices that neglect important information and take us to the road of institutionalized racism that lingers in Brazilian society.
Palavras-chave : Public Policies; Education; Quilombola Education; Quilombo; Inequality.