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versão impressa ISSN 0102-5473
ALONSO, Kátia Morosov; SILVA, Danilo Garcia da e MACIEL, Cristiano. Os ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem, participação e interação, ou sobre o muito a caminhar. Perspectiva [online]. 2012, vol.30, n.01, pp.77-104. ISSN 0102-5473.
This paper presents a study that analyzes which resources found in Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) could indicate effective participation and interaction among the actors in a teacher education course offered under an agreement between Brazil and Japan. It is important to address this issue, because, in these environments, these attributes are either measured quantitatively, thus not qualifying the data presented; or, in order to qualify them, it is necessary to conduct extensive “digging,” looking thoroughly at each activity performed by students. Due to this problem, we chose to work with the “activity reports” available on the VLE / Moodle and the students to qualify the available data. The conclusions recognize a need to better understand the way in which these “activity reports” are consolidated. At the same time, they point to the dynamics of interaction that go beyond the learning environment, indicating problems in working with it.
Palavras-chave : Virtual Learning Environment; Interaction; Higher Education.