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Revista Educação em Questão
versão impressa ISSN 0102-7735versão On-line ISSN 1981-1802
LIMA, Daniela da Costa Britto Pereira; OLIVEIRA, João Ferreira de e BATISTA, Tatiane Custódio da Silva. Multilateral organizations and education: the information technology and communication (ICT) in question. Rev. Educ. Questão [online]. 2016, vol.54, n.42, pp.218-245. ISSN 1981-1802.
This paper analyzes multilateral bodies of publications from 1990 to 2014, especially those that bring guidelines to influence policies, programs and actions in the field of education in Brazil. We seek to understand, especially as multilateral organizations conceive and guide the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education in our country, based on, among others, the theoretical and conceptual contribution from: Dourado, Oliveira (2009); Mancebo, Maués and Chaves (2006); Libâneo (2011; 2012); Sguissardi (2000); Lima (2005; 2013); Ferreira (2009; 2012); Saviani (2008); Andreoli (2002). Documents are examined related to economic and educational issues relating to Latin America and the Caribbean, including, Brazil. It observe that there is a strong influence of multilateral organizations in Brazilian education and, in ICT, this guidance points to an expansion of the insertion and use of these technologies in all levels of education. These guidelines or guidance is based on a market and mechanistic logic of ICT, rather than a perspective that advocates greater democratization of access to information and knowledge, as well as a more critical education, and autonomous citizens.
Palavras-chave : Education; Information and communication technologies; Multilateral organizations.