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Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação

versão impressa ISSN 0104-4036versão On-line ISSN 1809-4465


VAILLANT, Denise; ZIDAN, Eduardo Rodríguez  e  BIAGAS, Gustavo Bentancor. The use of platforms and digital tools for the teaching of mathematics. Ensaio: aval. pol. públ. educ. [online]. 2020, vol.28, n.108, pp.718-740.  Epub 01-Jul-2020. ISSN 1809-4465.

The article presents the progress of a study carried out by the three authors, that was financed with competitive funds in Uruguay. The objective of the research is to describe and analyze the practices regarding the use of tools and digital platforms for the teaching of Mathematics in the 1st level of Secondary Education in Uruguay. The research is based on a digital survey implemented in the Limesurvey Platform with Likert-type scales for Mathematics teachers. Among the findings of the study, the infrequent use by teachers of digital tools and platforms is highlighted. On the other hand, the results indicate that smartphones are the most used devices by teachers for teaching, and that preferences in the use of applications are concentrated in two of them: Adaptive Platform for Mathematics and GeoGebra. Age does not seem to be a factor that affects the use of technologies by the mathematics teachers participating in the study.

Palavras-chave : Platforms and digital tools; Mathematics Teaching; Teachers; Secondary Education.

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