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versão impressa ISSN 0104-4060versão On-line ISSN 1984-0411


CAMPOS, Míria Izabel  e  SARAT, Magda. (Re)constitute Oneself: teachers training for the education of children. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2022, vol.38, e76648.  Epub 19-Mar-2022. ISSN 1984-0411.

The training of teachers for the education of future generations is a big challenge, especially when it is believed that, along with the sharing of scientific and curricular contents, the sharing of moral, social, ethical, and aesthetical contents is understood as participant in this learning relationship. Therefore, it is promising to think of a kind of education established in different foundations, given the possibility of adding professional training and personal training. In this perspective, using the eliasian theoretical framework, as well as the (auto)biographical approach in its interfaces with the educational field, this article brings up the inventory of a personal teaching archive focusing on (auto)biographical childhood memorials, which were elaborated by academics of the Pedagogy Program at the School of Education, at Grande Dourados Federal University, in Dourados, state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The aim was to examine the initial training of teachers, considering that, in perspective, they are the ones who will work with the education of children. We analysed different figurations that composed these processes, as well as webs of interdependence present both in the teachers’ and the academics’ paths, apprehending that the reframing of what was lived - a reflexive act understood as the individual’s self-knowledge - may enable the self-reconstitution, allowing for new doings for the education scenario.

Palavras-chave : History of Education; (Auto)biography; Childhood Memorials; Figurations; Interdependencies.

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