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Revista da FAEEBA: Educação e Contemporaneidade
versão impressa ISSN 0104-7043
OLIVEIRA, Amurabi. Por que etnografia no sentido estrito e não estudos do tipo etnográfico em educação?. Revista da FAAEBA: Educação e Contemporaneidade [online]. 2013, vol.22, n.40, pp.69-81. ISSN 0104-7043.
The expansion of qualitative methodologies in educational research has opened up many new possibilities for research. One possibility that has reached high visibility among researchers is the ethnographic one that came from anthropology. However, there is clearly in great part of the researches in the field of education a substantial use of ethnography in a merely instrumental manner, reducing it to a technique for the collection of data based on a misreported and minimized perspective. This form of ownership is often summarized in the statement that we do not perform ethnographic researches in education, but rather researches of ethnographic “type”, “inspiration”, “characteristic”, “approach”. We seek in this article to affirm that ethnographic research must be recognized in the educational field, clarifying some of its epistemological assumptions, and refuting some arguments used for its denial.
Palavras-chave : Educational Ethnography; Educational Research; Anthropology of Education.