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Revista da FAEEBA: Educação e Contemporaneidade
versão impressa ISSN 0104-7043
ALVES, Lynn. Games e educação: desvendando o labirinto da pesquisa. Revista da FAAEBA: Educação e Contemporaneidade [online]. 2013, vol.22, n.40, pp.177-186. ISSN 0104-7043.
Electronic games have been around for more than 50 years now and, throughout this period of time, they have reached different niches: from the world’s most profitable entertainment industry to research theme in Brazilian and international universities. In addition, they have attracted female players, what totally changes the ideas on such artefact since it is not only an entertainment tool, but also a cultural driver. The Virtual Communities Research Group, sponsored by FAPESB, aims to discuss in greater depth digital games and it has led a project called Game Studies in 2010/2012 that mapped research papers from Capes’ thesis and dissertation education database in order to identify the main theoretical and methodological trends in such researches and their possible contributions to the academic communities. Thus, this paper aims to present the results of the aforementioned project, in a both qualitative and quantitative basis, which comprises nineteen dissertations and five theses. The analyses point out a trend towards qualitative basis as well as classic (Huizinga, Caillois, Vigotsky and Piaget) and contemporaneous (Alves, Santaella and Moita) authors. This study concludes that those researches support the games as research themes in Brazilian academic communities, what leads to the publication of new literature in this field, the establishment of specific events and the production of education-based games as a result.
Palavras-chave : Games; Research; Violence; Education; Learning.