Serviços Personalizados
Revista Brasileira de Educação
versão impressa ISSN 1413-2478versão On-line ISSN 1809-449X
SAMPAIO, Juliano Casimiro de Camargo. EDUCATION: TECHNOLOGY, CULTURE HACKING & ART TEACHING. Rev. Bras. Educ. [online]. 2021, vol.26, e260001. Epub 12-Fev-2021. ISSN 1809-449X.
This article, of a theoretical nature, reflects on how the critical approach with the technologies and the hacker culture in the school space can collaborate to advances in the teaching of the arts. The text is subdivided into three parts that address: notions of technology in education and its implications for teaching practices; hacker culture and conducting mediation of teachers in the classroom; implications of previous discussions for contemporary arts in the school context. Resulting from this reflection: in arts, supported by history, only the making and the enjoyment are capable of establishing processes of construction and expansion of aesthetic knowledge; those who create must be seen and encouraged as a critical agent of the means, techniques, technologies, and themes with which their creation operates; creation, in art, must first serve so that the creators can question themselves and their relationships and positions in the world, before they can propose something of this nature to the user.
Palavras-chave : education; technologies; hacker culture; arts teaching.