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Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial
versão impressa ISSN 1413-6538versão On-line ISSN 1980-5470
SILVA, Jackeline Susann Souza da. THE COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION ACCESSIBILITY (CIA) IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Rev. bras. educ. espec. [online]. 2023, vol.29, e0059. Epub 17-Out-2023. ISSN 1980-5470.
This article analyzes the communication and information accessibility (CIA) in the literature on higher education. The ICA is not limited to offering specialized communication supports or services for people who are deaf and visually impaired. The concept of CIA in higher education is plural and implies the elimination of any barrier that restricts freedom and equal access to the wide range of information media and different forms of communication in the university environment. This research is characterized as a systematic review of the literature, in which the NVivo Program and detailed reading were used as an instrument with the purpose of examining 165 publications in the format of Master’s thesis, Doctoral dissertations and scientific articles indexed in databases from Spain and Brazil. The conclusion of the analyzes indicates that CIA is an interdisciplinary concept and, although it is not presented as the main object of study in most of the reviewed texts, it emerges as a decisive issue, presented by the authors, in the dimensions of participation, coexistence and learning of university students with disabilities.
Palavras-chave : Accessibility; Special Education; Inclusive education; Higher education.