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Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas)
versão impressa ISSN 1414-4077versão On-line ISSN 1982-5765
CARVALHO, Sabrina Borges Ramos de e ARAUJO, Geraldino Carneiro de. Internationalization management of higher education institutions. Avaliação [online]. 2020, vol.25, n.1, pp.113-131. Epub 03-Mar-2020. ISSN 1982-5765.
This study aims to discuss the context of internationalization management in Brazilian higher education. The internationalization of higher education is justified and reveals its meaning and aims to contribute to the management of Brazilian higher education institutions. Internationalization, as a public policy for higher education, is an important strategy for the advancement and sharing of science in the globalized world. There are still significant limitations to the effective implementation and management of internationalization, but the process is no longer incipient and the country has advanced. The management of internationalization has many challenges, however, efforts are being made to achieve better indexes in order to foster internationalization by promoting opportunities for progress and development of citizenship.
Palavras-chave : International cooperation; Internationalization; Educational policies; Transnationalization.