Serviços Personalizados
Educação, Formação e Tecnologias
versão On-line ISSN 1646-933X
MOREIRA, António. PAUIE, Internet@eb1 e CBTIC@EB1: à distância de um ano. Educ. Form. Tecnol. [online]. 2008, vol.01, n.01, pp.37-46. ISSN 1646-933X.
Looking back at our experience in the coordination of the Accompanying Programme of the Use of the Internet in Schools, subsequently transformed into Internet@eb1 and later renamed the CBTIC@EB1 Programme, in the district of Aveiro during the period 2002-2007, we intend to make a distanced assessment of the development of this project, reflecting upon the possible gains it may have brought to the integration of Information and Communication Technologies in primary education. It is also our goal to report whatever relevant outcomes resulted from the successive editions of a programme that, despite still being desired by some, was inexplicably condemned to oblivion and has been slowly substituted by initiatives aimed at other school levels. One year after the extinction of the programme, what was left of such investment? What was the impact of the programme and of its abandonment? Were the external evaluation recommendations taken into account? The perspective adopted here is not one of longing for the past, nor does it aim to present a national view since it is focused on the district of Aveiro. Our intention is simply to present the naturally delimited and personal position of someone who was involved in the coordination of this initiative, which, conceived on the basis of good intentions, came to wither, year after year, with no prospects for the future and finally "died on the beach" of January 2007, as a result of the unsettled times and contexts it was obliged to inhabit.
Palavras-chave : Primary Education; Internet in Schools; Basic Competences in ICT.