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vol.19 número3Etnomatemática três propostas pedagógicas para a educação básicaConceitos matemáticos de anciãos da comunidade explorando a conexão entre contextos etnomatémicos e práticas de aula índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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ETD Educação Temática Digital

versão On-line ISSN 1676-2592


D'AMBROSIO, Ubiratan. Ethnomathematics and the pursuit of peace and social justice. ETD [online]. 2017, vol.19, n.3, pp.653-666. ISSN 1676-2592.

Currently, issues affecting society such as national security, personal security, economics, social and environmental disruption, relations among nations, relations among social classes, people’s welfare, the preservation of natural and cultural resources, and many others can be synthesized as Peace in its several dimensions: Inner Peace, Social Peace, Environmental Peace, and Military Peace. These four dimensions are intimately related. Social Justice naturally leads to Social Peace. Although, as I said, the four dimensions of Peace are intimately related, in this essay I will focus my reflection on Social Justice and how can Ethnomathematics as a program contribute to it.

Palavras-chave : Ethnomathematics; Mathematics Education; Peace; Political Dimensions; Social Justice.

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