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Práxis Educativa
versão On-line ISSN 1809-4309
ALVES, Álvaro Marcel Palomo. Jogo, cultura e imaginação: aproximações histórico-culturais. Práxis Educativa [online]. 2009, vol.04, n.01, pp.97-105. ISSN 1809-4309.
This article presents the result of a research carried out in the historical city of Morretes (Paraná State, Brazil) in 2002, which aimed at investigating the development of the subjectivity of preschool children through the observation of their games and play. The games and play have been observed, recorded and after that analyzed on the light of the Historical-Cultural Psychology. The research was carried out from a qualitative approach and it was concluded that the playful culture of the children from Morretes presents different universes and signs such as the traditional games, television and educational games. It highlights children’s active character as producers of culture and as social actors who through imagination combine different historical-cultural elements transmitted by society.
Palavras-chave : Play; Pre-school; Sociocultural Approach.